ch:1 the day.

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Your name is scarlet, scarlet moon. No friends, no family, your 12, your a neko (a neko is a human with cat ears and a cat tail, that can transform into a cat, when they want.)  Your life in a orphanage, YOUr Not LOVED!!!!

You shoot up in bed, in a cold sweat, you look around and see the only place youve been, sience you where 4. You flop your head onto your pillow and groan. "hey scar, ya alright?" Yup thats midnight, the only friend I have, well, other then, alex and sally, but alex is 4 and sally is 7. "Yea, im fine....toooatly fine." When I sit up, I see the sunlight through the window, I remember what day it is. Tuesday!!! Noooooo.

Tuesday is the worst day. Its the day where I coud get adopted. I close my crimson red eyes and sigh. I leap out of bed and into the day. I brush my long black hair. Its below my knees, so this takes a while. After that, I put it up in a hair bow that I use all th the time. I dress in a red bra, white tanktom, and, you feel like its a red day, so a red hoodie, witch mached your eyes. Then you just put on black booty shorts.

Then do my makeup. Grab my rolor scates and to to breakfast, barefoot, scates in hand. "Hey miss. May" ahh miss. May. The only person I like other than midnight, alex, and sally. After breakfast, you to to the basket ball cort to scate. The other scaters greet you. I put my tail under my shirt and ears under my helmet, and start scating.

I wasent looking where I was going and almost hit a kid. ALMOST. I jumped over the 7 year old and landed on my back, stunned. And in the 8 years you have been here, everyone knkws the rule, if I glare at you, leave me alone. I open my red eyes and everyone crowds me. I groan in pain as miss may caries me to the infermrery.

I take my helmet off and set it on the table near me. I also take my tail out from under my shirt and let it lay beside me, my ears, down. I got up and streatched a bit, and I heard yelling down stairs and I rushed down, "- od! I cant belive we ever loved you that mutch to keep you. What a waste of time!" I hear a man yell, I peak areound a corner and see a man hit a litttle girl, with pink hair. "HEY!!! LEVE HER ALONE!!" Everyone is the orphanage steps to the side so I coud get through. When I got to the man, I slapped his as hard as I could. He fell to the floor, passed out.

I carried the shaking girl to mine and midnights room. " shhh, shh your alright, scarlets got ya..." I started humming a song to the little girl. And noone! MAY I REPEAT, NOONE!! hears me sing. The girl calms down and falls assleep my arms. I lay her on my bed and go back down staird and stair at the man, who is now getting up. "Who the he-" he is stopped short by me punching him in the nose.

When he gets up he kicks me in the stomach, and everyone, even miss may, leave, just me and the man. He chuskles, and I grow claws, and charge he ducks, and I hit the wall, but get up instantly and latch on to him scratching him, untill he passes out from blood loss.

I look, at my self, blood on my nails, face and cloths, I tear up, and run upstairs, forgeti my there is a child in my room. She is awake and I slam open the door and she looks at me. I put a finger to my lips and she nodds. I go to the bathroom and wash up, the blood, soked in my hoodie, so I shrug and go to the little girl with pink hair.

"Whats your name?"


"How old"

"im 5"

I look at her in disbelife, and she nods. Poor girl. I sigh and let her sleep in my bed, so I sleep in midnights bed with him.

1 week later.


I sigh, and wake up get gredded in the red hoodie with a red a verry see through tank top, and the hoodie, the red one. I put some black shorts on to,Brush hair, brush teeth, brush tail, brush be ears, put hair up, and makeup on, and head down stairs with my scates, on this time.

S-C-A-R-S.  Eddsworld x Female Neko OC.Where stories live. Discover now