ch 14: cutting.

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Scarlets pov.

Its after my shift, when quin grabs my arm, teleports home, and colapses. Wow. She was tired. I pick her up, and lay her in bed. I sigh, and go downstairs, still in my "outfit". I grab a soda from the fridge, and whenni close the door of thr fridge, i see tori, next to me. I wave. Its 4:30 in the morning, and im tired, but tori wants to talk. I hear a noise upstairs, and tori and i sneak up, and we hear the girls talking. Kate was in a other room, so she dident hear anything.

"Hey you love me?"

"Ok corse, why do you ask?"
We hear a sob, and look at eachother. I press m cat eatr to the door, able to hear better.

"You ignored me, and played with sammy. Not me. I wanted to ask to play with you, but she got mad at me." I hear frances say. I accidently gasp, a little to loud. I shut my mouth, and turn into a ringo looking cat, yea i can pick what i look like now. I walk in the room, acting like ringo would. Frances pets me, and i get on her lap. I purr as she pets me. I listen more. "Im sorry!" Olivia says quite loud. I sigh, as i pretend to fall assleep. "Olivia, its nkt your faulte. Its mine." Olivia looks upset, then no expresion "no, its neather of ours.its scarlets." My eyes open the sound of my name, and i streatch, and walk out, and after im out of view from the door, i poof into human, acceptig the tears that run down my face.

Tori grabs my shouler, but i smack her hand away. With the wrong hand. My right hand was tucked in my pocket, so i used my left forgetting its not real. I see tori clutch her hand, and bendover, clingning to her self. I race upstairs, nd close the door to mine and quins room. (Quin and sean spwitched rooms) and i facepland into a pillow, waking quin up. "Scarlet....whats worong?" She says, rubbing the tired out of her eyes. "Is everything anyone says a lie?" I ask, not looking at her, but gurling up in a ball, and sobbing quietly.

She looks confused. I tell her to go back to sleep, and she does. When she does, i open my drawer, and see the razors. (Trigger warnig) i slice my arm rigt arm, letting the blood flow. I sigh, and cut aout 7 more times, then put it up, bandage my wounds, and go to bed.

When i wake up, i text joey.

Fam probs. Cant be at work today.

Eveyhing ok? J~

Yea, everythings fine. Maybe tomorrow?

K. Gurl, tommorow is pizza day, and you dont wanna miss pizza day. Its amaizing. J~

|:) cya joey.

Cya girl. J~

I sigh, and think what pizza day would be like, when a thought crosses my mind. What is i coud "borrow" jakes wings! (I HAVE THE POWER TO DO THAT. JUST ASK THEM, AND THEY DESIDE.) I get up, and get dressed in a sweat shirt, and some purple-plad fuzzy pants. I brush my hair, and go down stairs. I go into the kitchen, to see frances and olivia, reacking for the cookies on the top shelf. I wince at the sight of olivia, but help them anyway. Frances smiles at me, her long hair, in her eyes.

Olivia just grabs er arm and motions to the cookies and mkes a wierd motion with her hand. Frances looks like she is mad for a second, then sad. She then takes out a cookie, and hands it to me. I use my left arm to grab it, hidin my right. I place the small copkie im my mout, and its actually really good. I remember matts cookie stash. "Shhh" i quietly wisper, and i go to the cobord. I move all the soup cans and grab a hue bag of cookies. Frances gapes, while olivia roles her eyes.

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