ch 9: the arm...

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Its been a hour of sean and i just sitting on the couch, being bored. Suddenly, i get a sence of being watched. I gently nuge seans shoulder with mine. She dosent move, but her eyes light up, showing that she felt it. "Feel that?" She nods, having the feeling to. We make a plan, and suddenly, jump over the back of the couch. "OW! Fucking hell!" I hear tom yell. Sean pined him under her. She was smiling evily. I giggled as he tried to get her off him, but it dident happen.

Suddenly, i have the urge to scream. "IM HUNGRY!!!!!!!" i yell, scaring tom and sean. I dont realy like the white arm anymore, so today is one of the days its getting changed. Not looking forward to the pain. After i eat a waffle covord in peanut butter, (realy did this today!) I go to tords room, hoping he is awake. As i get to his room, i hear noises. "Tord, your sutch a fucking tease~ fuck me already." I cant belive whos voise that belonges to....."SEAN COME HERE!!!" i whisper yell to her, who is stuffing her face with peanut butter.

She brings the spoon with her, still in her mouth. I smile, until i remember why i needed her. "Shh. Listen." We put our ears to the door, listning. "Nugh~ Tord.." "call me by my other name" "DADDY!! Ahh~" im blushing by this point. I grab my phone, and record. I slowly open the door, and take a pic, to see who it was. The flash was on, so we booked it. Sean was rght behind me as we ran to the park. After we get there, we are breathless. "I...i got it....wooo..." i say tiredly. Then i get a call. Its from tord. I clear my voise, and pick up. "Hello?" I say, trying not to laugh.

"Hey scar, you dident hapen to see anyone running from my room, did you?"

"No, why. Someone steal your henti?"

" reason. Well, im setting up for the arm replacement. Its red this time. White is on hold or?"

"No, white is a no. We still have red or black. Hopefully that will work out. Cya!"


I hang up, not realy in the mood for the pain right now. Sean gives a confusing look. I then explain about the arm, and the chainging, and the hair. " hair looks dumb. No effence, but it would look great brown." I nod. Her brain works alot faster than mine.

Time skip to when they get home.

I sigh. "TORD WERE HERE!" I throw my shoes by the door, and sean follows me to tords room. She wathes in desbelife as he takes down a painting, and then another painting, and pulls a lever. I see the table. I sigh and start taking off my shirt, leaving me in my bra and leggings. Tord has a rag in his mouth as he is setting stuff up. I see him accidently knock a bottle over. The maroon glass shaters on the floor, and a dark maroon liquid flows out. "Shit.." he says taking the rag out of his mouth.

"What? What hapend??" I ask, worried. Sean clearly understands what the stuff was. "That.. WAS that pain killers." My eyes widen. I look at the table next to me, seeing the arm. Its perfectly crafted, and everything. I sigh and thunk my head on the table. "Just do it." I say as a single tear runs down my real eye. Sean gasps, and tord tells her to hold me down. She does so. Tord knows my pain tolorance is VERY hig, but not that high. "Ready?" He asks me. I nod, then shake my head, then nod again. He sighs, but before he starts, he runs over, closing the door, thinking...knowing... i might scream.

I feel the pain im to used to in my arm. But... nohing is working. Im silent. Just a single tear runs down my cheek, then nothig else. My eye color must be off the wire by now. Sean is still on top of me, thinking im goig to move. Its been a little bit now. I know the arm is almost off, then i feel the worst pain ever. I scream as loud as i posible can. Sean tears up and closes her eyes, not wanting to see me. Tears are flowing out of my eyes by now.

Tord eyes widen, and he backs away. The pain stopes, and im left cryng. How can a 12 year old survive this. "Shh....shh...its ok. Im ok. Its ok sean... shh." I say, trying to calm her. Tord suddenly has a idea, the next thing i know, he has tom, matt, and edd infrount of me. Explaining. Edd is in tears. I catch one word. "No..." edd whimpers. Tom has an idea. He runs off, and comes back with smirnoff. Tord yells at him, and tom explains that, if i drink it, it wont hurt as bad. Its just like the painkillers. "ANYTHING. PLEAS. JUST ANYTHING.!!!" I scream scaring everyone but sean, who has calmed down.

Tord looks sorry for me, as im forced to drink the dark liquid. Tom watches me empty it. The pain is going away. My neck burns. Matt has left, not being able to see this. My vision blurs, but im still awake. Im starting to fade into assleep ness, when i feel alot of relife in my arm. I clench my fist, then it all goes black.


I bolt up on the table, seeing everone. Edd, tord and even tom are in tears. "Im...alive" i look to my left. The red arm is in place. I bend it, it workd even better than the white one. I look the the floor, and see a puddle of blood. Just blood. Sean hugs me. HARD. I get off the table. As soon as my legs hit the ground, they colaps. Tom lunges forward, and catches me. He stands me back up. "How are you alive. Your 12... and your arm just for ripped off.." tord murmmers.  Shrug.

Im hungry.

I start to walk to the kitchen, but i grab my shirt before i do. "Hello amy, how are you today" i say to noone, but myself. "Im good ma-am. Are you ok? You sufford from blood loss, hang over, and pain. Am i in need of help?"  I giggle quietly, and respond. "Im fine now. Thank you. Goodbye." I see the text dissipear. I reach up into a capnet and grab out a waffle, put it in the toaster, and let it cook. While the waffle does its thing, i look out the window.  Its pitch black out side. I take my phone out of my leggings and chect the time. ALMOST 12:30?! Dang. That took long. I get my waffle and covor it in peanut butter.

I then remember the picture, the reasion my phone was still with me. I look for the picture, and inhail so hard, i choke on my waffle. IT WAS TOM!! sean walks up, and sees me choking on a waffle, while laughing at the same time. I show her the phone, and she laughs hard. Tord walks in, seeing, sean and I, clutching our stomacs, laughing. He takes my phone, and sees the picture. He blushes immeadietly, and runs off with my phone. "HEY!" I yell, runing after him. I turn into a white cat, sience my hair wasent brown yet.

Im on his tail (XD pun included) and i jump on the back of his hoodie. He runs into his room, thinking no one knew he was in there with him. He sighs, and sets my phone down. Then i see a wierd gun, it isent a normale gun, so i softly plop on the floor, and go to the gun. Knowing me, i click a dile, that said, "older." And i was playing with the trigger, when i hear the door slam open, and knowing me, i press the tigger, and i see a flash of light, then, nothing. I open my eyes, and see im normale. Huh. Tord picks me up, and takes me to mine and seans room.

I go to the closet to poof back into a human, i dont notice anything diffrent, yet. So when i grab my p.j pants, and put them on i go to put on my shirt, and when i lean back up, and, i scream bloddy murder at the figure before me. I throw on a shirt, and run down stairs. "TORD FUCKING LARRSON!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME!!" I yell. He comes down stairs, in sweat pants, and a tooth brush in his mouth. When he sees me, his eyes widen, and his tooth brush falls out of his mouth. "eeEDDDD!!!!" He starts off quiet, then yells. "What do you want tor-" edd stops as he sees me. I see a pink blush spread accos his face. "IM FUCKING 16!!!" I scream. My body had transformed, bigger...everything.

"SCARLET!! whats wro-" sean comes running down stairs. I, for some reasion, has a lip pearsing. Im still skinnie as thin as ever though. "Wow... your... wha? How?" Edd is studering with his words. I suddenly remember the gun. "TORD!" i yell bringing him back into reality. He gives me a up and down look, and smirks. Ogh great. Pervo tord is out. Then i watch as sean slaps tord accros the face. "No." She says plainly. Im left flabergasted.

Tom walks beside me, with out even noticing me. I grab him arm, and he turns, and his....eyes?... widen. "Who are you... and why sre you in out house" he whispers. I hold up my arm. "TORD WHAT DID YOU DO?" He yelled at him. Tord shrugs, and walks away. "So... im just 16 now?!" They all are silent. Sean is the first to speak. "At least your pretty. And, it is good." I smile. I think i will like being 16! ?..not realy. Just want to make her happy. I sigh, and go up stairs, to my room.

Omg guys. Lol. The song st the top is just somethihg i listen to, ecuase im bord. Tell me if you want to stay 16, or go back to 12. Bye.

S-C-A-R-S.  Eddsworld x Female Neko OC.Where stories live. Discover now