ch:2 the home.

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Midnight sees that im wearing his necklace and he smiles, knkwing that I care for him. Sally hugs me, and we all share a room now. I hear a knock on the door. I put the blue contact in, and open the door. I see a old man with a litte girl, midnight screams. The man pushes the door open, and grabs midnight by the arm, and starts bulling him out.

Ogh hell no I march up to him, and grab him by the neck, and pick him up. He is a fully grown man, im 12, and im picking him up by the neck. He lets midight go, who gets behind me. I feel my teeth get sharer and my claws extend. Her. " midnight.....3821." He nods and grabs the little girl, and sally and runs off. Then I let het take over.

Buttons pov.

I giggle, as I see my white hair, flow by my shoulders

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I giggle, as I see my white hair, flow by my shoulders. I look down and see my outfit. (Seen in picture) I grab my hammer, and throw the guy up, and hit him like a base ball. He slams against the wall. "SCORE!"  I yell as I pump my fists. He coughs up blood and I smile. I grab my mechitie, and start cupping a smile arouns his mouth.

He spits blood in my face. Thats when I get really angry. Igrb my hammer, and hit him I the head, and watch as it comes off, and makes a hole in the wall, flying. I drop the bodie out the window. And let scar take back over, but not before I get to whisper. "Thank you..."

Scarlets pov.

I feel my hair flw past my butt and I look down to see im still in buttons cloths, but the weapons leave. "IM ALRIGHT NOW!" I yell to midnight, who comes back in the room. The little girl, suddenly had a knife and she threw it at me. It scraped my cheek, and I grabbed her by the throught, and broke her neck. And threw her out as well.

1 weel later

I sigh, sitting in the barbers chair. My red eyes are getting annoued by the contacts. She gets done, and I see my verry long hair, but this time, its a dark, and pretty purple. I smile and give her a 45 dollar tip. She blesses me and I leave, going to scate back to the orphanage.  When I get there. I almost trip from the little kids.

After it was just me sally and midnight, more kids came, from other orphanages. Sally and midnight are still my 2 fav. A small girl, slowly walks up to me and asks," it your self?" She then shows me her arms, they have litte cuts, with blood pouring down them. I gasp and bring her to the infermary.

After I wraped her arms up, I tell her why its NOT good to hurt your self. Then we have a conversation.

"Whats your name sweet heart?"


"Amanda, its not good to hurt your self, how old are you?"

"In 9".

I look at her and tell her in 12. She giggled and says the worst TV thing a kid could say. "You have big boobies!" I laugh a small bit. Then let her leave. I look at the time. OMG ITS ONLY 9:47 AM?! I groan and go back out side the Infermery.  Miss may hasent been feeling well, so when everyone arived, I yelled, " OK KIDS, GATHER ROUND' PEOPLE ARE HERE!" The kids and teens got in a big group, and I went up stairs to change.

" hey sally, hey midnight." I said.

"Hey scar" he said.

"Hello scarlet." She said.

"Go down stairs, people are here." I say as I grab my purple hoodie, take my contacks out and put on some black jeans, and head out, with my purple vans on. My hair sways next to me becuase I left it down after I brushed it. I come back and get tripped. Everyone gasps around me, and they form a cricle, with only 2 people around me. Midnight and a guy with a re-..tord.

I hide my eyes as I stand up and take a deep breath, and kick him accros the room, sending him flying. Everyone crouded me and asking if I was ok. "Im fine, im fine, now go get some parents kidows." As soon as I said that I hear sally scream, and I see her getting dragged away by a guy with a beard, and a hat. I gasp and run after her.

"BITE HIM SALLY BITE HIM!!" I yell at her and she does. He let go and grabs his wrist and running off. Sally runs to me crying. "Shh....shhh....its ok." I hug her and sing her this song.

She calmed down, and let me take her back to the orphanage. When I gor back, their was tord, edd, matt, and tom. I sigh, seeing midnight, still here. Then sally taped my shoulder and said, that he wants me as she pointed to edd. I sigh, and go over. I hide my eyes from his gaze.  "What" "we...I...umm...- then tom interrupts him, and says "he wants to adopt you."

I replay the words, but they all ended up in the same conclusion.
The room leaned, and I then saw black. "-an't take her. She is my best friend." I groan as I hear midnight aguring with somebody. Sallly then grabs my hand and leads me up stairs. I remember what happend before I passed out. Then I tear up, at the thought of leaving.

About a hour later

I have all of my stuff packed. Midnight promiced to meet me at out tree every day. But only if I text him. Sally is going to come with him. I tear up and close the door to my old room. Midnight, the 16 yearold, sighs and hugs me. "I love you, girl. Just know that." I let my tears out and give sally a hug. She sobbs on my arm and I start crying harder becuase im going to have to let go at some point.

After I stop crying I go down stairs, and tell everyone bye. Amainda hugs me and thanks me. I nodd and wave bye to everyone as the doors close behind me, offically starting my new life.

Hey people! 2nd chapter done. Thx for reading. I post dayly bye!!

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