what happened?

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*Thalia's pov *
When we were at the carnival we had a blast. We went on a bunch of games and stalls and won a bunch of stupid junk that none really wanted. We also went to ride the ferris wheel and they all went off together leaving me and Zach together. The carts were Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel,
Jack and Maja,
Leaving me and Zach.
I wasn't complaining, I enjoyed spending time with him.

We were at the top looking over all of the beach and it was gorgeous, we went round a few times and the last time something magical happened...Zach kissed me again.
He has been hugging me the whole time, and on the last go round he pulled me in and kissed me. I'm not complaining Zach is the most amazing person ever.

We gazed into each others eyes and I felt something in my stomach, something telling me to say something, like I like you.

I was about to open my mouth when the wheel stopped and we were at the top we broke eye contact and looked down, they were letting poeple off.

Zach looked at me with those gorgeous eyes and suddenly all my words were gone.

"Can I say something crazy " he said
Unable to reply with words I nodded.
He grabbed my hand "I've known you for about a week and it feel like a lifetime" he smiled and I returned it "I dont know what it is but Thalia" he took a deep breath "I think I'm in love, Thalia will you be my girlfriend" he breathed.
"I dont know what your feeling, bur I feel it too, I love you Zach, yes I will be your girlfriend" and we held each other as we started moving and we got off the wheel.

We walked behind the rest of the group fingers intertwined.

How were we going to tell the rest of the boys? I invited the boys over and we had so much fun building the hideaway.

We all sat round as high school musical finished, yeah we watched HSM and we all sung and danced to every song. "Hey guys can I tell you something" Zach spoke up.
An array of yes Mhm and what's up came from the rest of the people.
"Would you like to meet my girlfriend?" He grinned.
"Wait what!" Corbyn responded
"You have a girlfriend?" Jack laughed
"Yeah!!" Daniel screamed
"Okay then" Zach said and came to hug me and kiss my cheek.
"Bro stop your girlfriend wont be happy you just kissed Thalia" Jonah responded.
"You dum nut, Thalia and Zach are dating!" Daniel replied hitting Jonahs arm.
I couldn't help but smile and also notice that jack was glaring at me and Zach, what is his problem?
I brushed it off and we watched a nother film. This time a horror. I spent the whole time attached to Zach's chest he held me close and I felt safe. Thats a first.

We fell asleep hugging each other, how I know this, the pictures were all over Instagram.

I started Shaking, I couldn't breath. I'm pretty sure I'm having a panic attack, I get enough hate as it is from there fans warning me, taunting me, I can't...I can't...

*Zachs pov*
"THALIA !!" I yelled as she fell to the floor "somebody call an ambulance, NOW!"
She is leying there, unconscious.
" Why would you do that? You all know what she's like!" I'm so mad at all the boys, why would they do that?"
We all panicked Thalia  was unconscious.
An ambulance was on its way we all need to breath.


Okay they are going to take her in for monitoring to make sure shes Okay.

This is all my fault. Why would I let them do that, why did I have to rush into things, why did I not protect her my eyes are becoming foggy as I sit besides her in the emergency room.

The other guys burst in running
"Is she okay?"
"What happened?"
"Is she going to be okay?"
They all chatter as the doctor walks into the room.

"Okay everyone, listen please" he started "Thalia is going to be okay, she passed out from a panic attack and stress. We are going to leave her overnight to make sure shes okay when she comes round. "
"Thank you doctor. " I shook his hand.
"I'm really sorry I shouldn't have posted that picture, I wasn't thinking" jack cried, wow I havnt seen him cry for a long time.
"Its okay bro we all make mistakes, she's going to be okay"
Maja replied.
We were all a bit shooken up but we were okay.

"You all go home, you need to rehearse, ill stay here and keep and eye on her" Maja said softly.
"She's right, we need to rehearse, otherwise David is going to kill us" Jonah replied.
"Look after her Maja" I said sternly, getting up from the plastic chair.
She nodded and took my seat.


I tried my best to focus, but I kept messing up, I can't take my mind off her.
I really hope she is okay.

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