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*Maja's POV*

I was so upset that we couldn't find anything I really hope the others find something.

we headed back to my house to get something to eat, not that any of us felt like eating, but we hadn't eaten for about 8 hours now so we thought it would be best. I made sandwiches and we sat in silence and ate them, we stayed like that until our phones all started ringing at the same time, we all looked at each other and then got our phoned, it was Jack on a joined call.

He found it! they are on their way back to the Why Don't We house, all three of us threw our plates in the sink and ran over to the boy's house and eagerly awaited their return.

it took them about 20 minutes to get back they ran into the living room and Jack waved the camera about and tore off the note and read it out.

"well done you found the first clue, don't get too exited. there are much more before you get a glimpse of her if you don't hurry she will be gone. so take your time.

wait a second are they going to kill her?" Jack exclaimed

"keep reading" we all screamed to scared to admit what could happen

"okay, okay" he started, " it says, Thalia liked her music didn't she ?"

"carry on " Corbyn half yelled

"dude that literally it." he said handing Corbyn the paper shaking his head "what does this mean"

"anyone have any ideas?" Daniel said

we all shook our heads and spent the next few hours trying to figure something out and it was useless we couldn't think of anything at all. jonah, Corbyn, Zach and Daniel all went to bed leaving me and Jack sat on the couch.

I couldn't focus so I too decided to go home and to bed, Jack walked out of the front door behind me and followed me down the driveway then grabbed his skateboard and headed off down the street in the opposite direction

I hope he's okay.

*Jack's Pov*

I'm seriously worried about Thalia I really am I cant do anything at all I cant focus on anything so I'm going to a quiet place i always go when I need to think.

yes, I'm aware it's like 11:30 at night but quite frankly I don't care, as long as none sees me that is.

I'm going to the old abandoned house that's about half a mile away, I needed the air anyways. I used to come here all the time when I needed to focus or think about something, I have not been here in a while but I figured I need to clear my mind and think properly.

I arrived at the house and went in through the back window its always open and I went straight up to the loft where there is a large bay window where I love to sit and look up at the stars while I think.

my heart started pounding, a car was pulling up into the driveway, how is this possible its been abandoned for years and has a wire fence around it to stop people getting in. I'm dead. looks like I might have to stay here overnight until this person/ people leave and its safe I mean they cant be here very long it's a filthy house and as I walked through it I saw no sign of food at all, all the cupboards were open and there was no fridge, just as I had remembered it.

there was a man downstairs yelling at someone but I couldn't work out who they were but there was a lot of banging and hitting, I wanted to go help, but I also wanted to stay alive long enough to save Thalia from wherever she is being hidden away by a person I will one day kill if I get the chance.

there are footsteps getting closer to me so as quietly as I can I go and lock the attic door, I had already shut it as I came in here before just in case.

I next heard something, something I never wanted to hear I almost passed out no no no no no this is not happening. I'm scared now I need to call the other boys and get them to get me out of here so we can come back with the police. who will still be awake and who will be able to help me?

Corbyn, him and Christena are usually talking at this time of night ill text him, i know i can trust him.

Corbs you awake ?

Yeah bro what's
up ?

You know that
abandoned house
about half a mile
away ?

Yeah its freaky

I need you to come
here and rescue me,
ill explain later
all you need
to know is there
a manic guy
here and I'm stuck
in the attic

On my way bro hang

This is why I love these boys I can count on then 24/7 it's literally 12:49 am and he's coming to help me.

I don't know how but he's going to get me out of here.

the very second I thought of that I got a message saying Corbyn is going to pretend to deliver a package to give me time to get out the back window, corbs I love you, my brother.

before i knew it there was a knock at the door followed by footsteps, now is my chance, i made a runner down the stairs and through the window, round the side of the house and waited for the door to shut before sprinting to the car and hugging Corbyn and thanking him for saving my life.

"so what happened ?" Corbyn asked turning on the ignition

"i went to that place like i usually do when i need to think as none ever goes in there because its abandoned, i got into the attic and a guy pulled up outside and opened the door he looked 100 times stronger than me then banging happened and a lot of it then yelling and that's when i got scared but then he yelled something i never wanted to hear, the reason we need to get Maja and the other boys and go to the police station" i said breathing heavily

"bro breath, what did he say?" asked Corbyn trying to calm me down

"he didn't just say he yelled and he yelled..."

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