the idea

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*Jonahs POV*
We had an idea.
An idea that just might work.
We had to work hard to do this but we can do it.
We all have a Job to do.

Corbyn: his Job was to find out if her mum could come.

Zach: his job was to keep Thalia happy while we set everything up.

Jack : find out her favorite films and food.

Maja: find Thalia's cousin

Myself and Daniel: we were going to redecorate the hideaway we built a few months ago when we first met, it all kinda fell down.

We all had to do this without Thalia realizing what we were doing.

Today was Wednesday and we wanted to have it all done by this

"Okay, Guys lets go" I yelled punching the air and just like that we all went off to start.

Me Zach and Daniel went over to Maja and Thalia's house Zach went upstairs to her and me and Daniel snook downstairs and got to work to tidy up and redecorate the entire basement.

*Zach pov*
We had the plan so me Jonah and Daniel went over and all got to work. My job was easy, all I had to do was keep her busy and happy, I had a good idea.

"Hey, thals how are you?" I asked going to sit on the end of her bed.

"I'm fine, how are you?" She replied in monotone

"I'm good, I'm here to take you out you wanna go?" I grinned

A small smile crept onto her face as she whispered "give me a minute to get ready"

She disappeared into the bathroom with some clothes and came out a few minutes later wearing Nike leggings and a cropped grey jumper and the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Let's go" she beamed.

We got into my car and blasted some good vibes tunes and screeched along to the radio way out of tune but in the moment nothing seemed to matter at all.

"Where are we going may I ask?" She pouted turning down the radio.

"It's a supposed to be a surprise" I answered "but I know you like it here," I say pulling into a car park space in the middle of a felid. I ran around and opened her door, just be cliché because why not?
I grabbed a huge straw basket out of the trunk and we set off up a trail.

After a few minutes, we came to a clearing, the very clearing I took her on our first date. "Surprise," I said. She kissed my cheek and ran to the tree house as I turned a deep shade of violet.

We climbed into the tree house and had a picnic watching the sunset and talking a nonsensical talk.

This is how life should be.

*Maja's POV*
My jaw b seemed easy right?
There are 7 billion plus people on this earth and I had to find one.
But it's for Thalia so it was worth it. All I had was a name to go off
Heidi Westby.

I can do this. For Thalia.

Okay, where to start..?

I spent the next 3 hours searching Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter and I found nothing, except a few pictures of Thalia and Heidi.

I spent the next day looking and I finally found something, Heidi works for a film company as a set designer and is currently in England.

I managed to find her email and told her what we were planning and I got an almost instant reply! She said she is free from tomorrow and will come out on the first flight tomorrow that is available.

I started jumping around the house and celebrating. Well done Maja Job achieved.

Daniel and Jonah might as well have moved into the basement, I decided to go tell them the good news and help them finish the room. We have about 39 hours until everything has to be sorted. Let's go.

*Thalias POV*
Me and Zach have spent the last day together and it has been amazing, I finally feel like he sees me as a normal person again.
"Thank you, Zach" I smile as I squeeze his hand.
"What for?" He asked "all I have done is treat you like the lady you are" he blushed.

We cuddled together on my bed watching Netflix, we were planning to sleep in the tree house but none of us had out sleeping bags and it started raining so we decided to come over to my house and chill.

We were watching a Rom com when Maja started screaming and yelling "Yayyy woo" I looked at Zach and laughed as we fell into a deep slumber. th

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