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*Maja's pov*
I sit looking at the almost motionless Thlaia watching her chest rise and fall.
The doctor said she's going to be fine she just has to rest a bit.
Zach is constantly messaging me asking how Thalia is doing. Its good to know he cares about her. I'm glad she has found someone to make her happy.

A doctor walks and examines Thalia and makes a few notes and then walks out again.

A few minutes later she wakes up but she is confused so I explain to her what happened but I told her all the nice things people have said and she took it better this time, she stayed calm, or at least tried to.

I messaged the Boys and told them she had woken up.

Hey guys , Thalia
is awake

Zach 🙈
Thank god shes okay

I have never seen
Zach reply so fast

Shall we come to
the hospital?

If you want to.

Zach 🙈
On our way x

About 15 minutes later the boys arived. The doctor gave Thalia a prescription for some anti stress meds and let her come home with us.

We took it easy for the rest of the day and just chilled out and watched some films.


I'm glad she is okay, I really am. I feel so sorry for her, I wish I could have met her sooner and helper her through all the pain and bad times. She is such an amazing person she just does not deserve to be treated like she did its just not fair that someone with such a kind heart could have to go through what she did, I though I had it bad with friends and ex 's but she had it ten times worse at least I still had a few friends, yeah my boyfriends were idiots and cheated on me but it was never that bad. I have a lot of sympathy for her I really do I feel so bad that I couldn't have helped her and been here sooner.

Anyway in an attempt to cheer each other up we decided to walk to McDonalds to get some food and fresh air and we had such a laugh, it was such a good time.

Thalia and I are really close witch is really weird because we have known each other for about 2 weeks now but I can tell we are going to stay friends for a long time.

I have something I always live by
If I can make someone laugh loud enough to forget there problems then my day is not wasted. And I always try to do that no matter what. And today I think I can say mission complete.

*this is a short chapter to get it going again. New (longer) chapter soon :p *

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