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*Jacks pov*
We are rehearsing none stop for the jingle ball that I've hardly had any time to see Nicky but she stays at all out rehearsals, I think Zach is onto us so I'm going to talk to Nicky about telling the boys and maybe even the fans, I just want my baby to be happy.

*Nicky's Pov*
Ugh, it's taking FOREVER for Jack to come and tell everyone, for god's sake why can't he just do it already?!
It's getting really annoying, I think I deserve an Oscar for this performance I'm putting on like, I've fricken kissed him like right times and now I'm sat smiling and watching him rehearse.
I think i would rather watch paint dry.
Like they can't even sing, I'm the only good singer round here. Ughhhh I just want the fame then I can leave.


I'm going to talk to him about telling the boys and then about telling the fans, I mean if I can make him fall for me then this will be child's play.

*Thalias pov*
I've been working my butt off for the past two days and today is the dress fitting and then rehearsal in the afternoon.

I walked into this fancy boutique with Noah and I went to try on this gorgeous outfit and I think I'm in love with it.
"This is for red carpet events and stuff" he smiled "I thought you might like it"

 "This is for red carpet events and stuff" he smiled "I thought you might like it"

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*^the outfit^*

After me and Noah got some lunch we went back to rehearsal and I worked my butt off on that stage by now I know most of what I'm doing just have Thursday and
Friday rehearsals then to see why Noah wanted me to leave Saturday free. 

*Maja's Pov*
I've been watching the boys rehearsals and they are killing it, me and zach are talking a lot lately. I'm so glad him and Thalia worked things out they both seem happier now they are friends.

Jack had been spending every available second with Nicky and he has hardly spoken to the boys.
She's also sat watching them at rehearsals and she gives me these vibes and there's something about her I don't like, she makes jack happy and that's all the matters.

Butttt I'm not the only one who has noticed Zach has too but we're keeping quite about it because we all want to stay friends.

"Okay guys lets call it break" corbyn said grabbing his water.

Zach and Jonah went out for a walk and obviously Jack and Nicky walked out together too leaving me and Daniel.

"You want to go for a walk?" He asked

"Sure" I smiled jumping up and walking towards the guy with the gorgeous tooth gap

*Daniel's pov*
I've been wanting to ask Maja out for the longest time but there never seems a right moment but today I saw this gorgeous park that I'm going to take her to and maybe, if I can pluck up the courage, I'll ask her to be my girlfriend.

I hope she liked me back, I mean I've liked Maja since before I can remember and she deserves the happiest life and I want to give that to her.

We arrived at the park and sat on the freshly cut dry grass under the cherry blossom tree.

"This view is gorgeous" she smiled

Not as gorgeous as you I thought
"Yeah it is" I smiled

"Daniel are you okay? You seem a bit pale and your staring off into space" she said looking me dead in the eyes

Damn those gorgeous chocolates eyes 

"Yeah I just have something on my mind" I'm going to ask her

"What's up Dani you can talk to me if you want to" she smiled placing her hand on mine and we both blushed as I look down at it.

"Well I know this gorgeous girl and I want to give her the most amazing life that she deserves and I want to help take away all the problems and pain she may have, I want nothing more than to see her as she wakes up in a morning with my arms wrapped round her waist and to hear her cute little laughs and sneezes, but I would know how to ask" I sighed seeing if she would take the hint

"Who's the lucky girl?" She looked a little wounded

"Well you know her pretty well, she's kind and gorgeous and her eyes are a deep chocolate brown and her soft cherry lips are to die for" I looked over at her every perfect feature

"Is it Thalia?" She sounded happy and like she was going to cry at the same time, does she like me back

"Nope, don't get me wrong I love Thalia but she's like my little sister" I laughed "Do you really want to know who?" Here goes

"Yeahhhh" she said giddily

I stood up and she got up with me I grabbed both her hands and whispered "you"

She put her forehead against mine "I like you too, actually no, I love you Seavey" she blushed

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked

"I would love nothing more" she grinned lifting her head and interlocking our fingers.

"I am officially the luckiest girl in the entire universe" she smiled hugging my arm

"And I for sure am the luckiest man alive, I have you and that's all I ever need" I squeezed her hand tighter

We talked all the way back and we decided we were going to tell the boys

"Hey guys can I  talk to you?" Maja said sitting opposite me

"Is everything okay?" Jonah asked

"More than, I just want to let you all know I'm no longer single" she smiled her adorable smile

"Ohhh who is the lucky guy" Corbyn smiled

"Whose face will I have to break if they hurt you" Zach laughed

I said nothing but went to sit next to Daniel and kissed his cheek


We all laughed

"You two are so cute together" Jack smiled

I'm happy, this is all going to be good, I can't wait to tell Thalia, I'd call her now but because of time differences from here to LA she'd be asleep.

The first thing I'm doing in the morning.

I smiled to myself at finally having the boy of my dreams
"You wanna watch a film?" Dani asked me

"Could we watch Bay watch?" I asked

"Sure thing bub" he said, I blushed at the nickname

"I've been dying to call you that from the day I laid eyes on you" his toothy smile made me even deeper red

We cuddled up on the couch and fell asleep hand in hand, suddenly the world was good, the world was good and happy.

Auther's note

The girl with a dream//why don't we { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now