everything is changing

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*Nickys pov*
When Maja and Daniel told us about there relationship I wanted to throw up.
I hate the both of them.

"Jacky poo" I said grabbing his hand

"Yes Nicky" he smiled back to me ugh him and his dog like face.

"Can we tell the boys about us? I don't want to keep secrets" I did the puppy eyes and lip.

"I mean your right, no secrets, when we get back?" FINALLY

I swear we have never walked so slow.

"Guys I want to tell yall something" jack smiled
"I have a girlfriend"

"Ohhh who?" Zach asked

"Nickyyy" he smiled kissing my hand. Discussing.

They all smiled and said yay and congrats and stuff like that.

*Jacks pov*
Well Nicky was right again.
No secrets.
It did feel good to tell them and they all seemed so happy for me.
I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends.
I just realised all us boys are in a relationship now and we all seem a bit happier since we started dating someone.
Corbyn and Christina
Zach and Jonah
Daniel and Maja
Nicky and I

Life is so good.

We went to sleep happily, knowing our lives were going to be okay.

*zachs pov*
When jack told us about him and Nicky me and Maja looked at each other in horror and shock but played it off as happiness.
Both of us think there's something up with that snake....I mean Nicky.

We already had our assumptions but now it's confirmed, jack has been acting really differently since Nicky showed up and it's not a good thing.

He seems so much more snappy and short tempered and always has to be with her, I haven't spoken to him properly since he told me 'to just call Thalia' and even then he seemed so angry.

"Yo Jack, can we talk?" I asked walking into his room. Surprisingly he was alone

"What do you want?" He snapped

"To talk" I stepped back. This is not the Jack I know

"Make it quick. I have places to be and people to see" he spat

"Jack, is that even you? I thought I was your best friend, you would never talk to me like that, what's wrong, something is" he tried to get closer to him

"What's wrong is that I'm not with Nicky right now, and I'm stuck talking to this pathetic excuse for a singer" he pushed me back to the wall and hit me harshly across the face.

"I'm just worried about you" I said through the tears holding my stinging cheek

"You should be worried about what I'll do to you if you let me leave to talk to Nicky" he looked me dead in the eye stepping closer and grabbing my shirt

I wriggled out of Jacks burst out crying and ran to Maja's room.
I knocked violently on the door.

"Zach buddy what happened?" She pulled him into a hug

"It-it's j-j-j-jack" I cried

Seconds later jack was outside the door with Nicky and we heard them trash talking all of us.

"If I see that brat again I'm going to knock him out, he's stupid and I can't believe he is in this Band, I'm going to go solo, come with my Nicky baby"

I jolted upright in my bed crying and sweating and look over to my left and see Jack sleeping peacefully.

I shook him lightly "Hey jack?" I spoke through the tears

"Hu..Oh Zach" he sat up and flicked on the light to reveal my tear stained face "Zach buddy what's up?"

"I had...it doesn't matter.." I shook my head "Just promise me that you are still my friend and you aren't going to leave me and that you will spend some time with us instead of just Nicky" I cried

"Zach buddy I'm so sorry I don't even realise, i promise I will and I'm sorry I made you feel like that" he hugged me

"Are you sure?" I looked up at him

"100% promise zach" he smiled "Come on we have a performance tomorrow let's get some sleep"

And we fell back asleep. Please never let that happen again.

I'm sorry if it wasn't to clear, the dream starts at Zach's Pov
Thanks for reading
Aha I wrote this at school sorry that it's not as long or as good

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