Chapter 5 - How could you?

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((A/N: Mild sexual references. Keveridge soon, I promise. They aren't gonna be in school today, it'd make this harder to write. Assume its a holiday or some shit.))

Morning came, and it was the sound of the birds that woke the brown haired girl lying in, supposedly, her lover's arms. Their lack of clothing suggested that some things had gone on the night before- the sudden look of panic on the girl's face suggested that she regretted it.

Lily awoke, momentarily trapped in the warm, safe lull of sleep. She nuzzled against the warmth holding her, momentarily presuming that it was Laurence. That was where she stopped. Those arms weren't Laurence's. Laurence didn't have douchey sport tattoos.

That was when the memories from last night came rushing back. She'd kissed her ex, just a few hours after he'd attacked her boyfriend. And then... She'd given in. They'd slept together.

Another fresh realization hit her with a wave of nausea and guilt.

Lily had cheated on Laurence. 

Stuck in a trance of guilt and betrayal, Lily reached over for her phone, thumbing the power switch. She'd turned it off prior to her and Zak.. Well. 

Nothing could have prepared her for the amount of messages and missed calls on her phone. 

'Where are you?" Mum. Standard. 

"Party 2nite bb xoxoxo' Alison.

Laurence. 3 new messages.

'Is what Luke said true? Please say it isn't. You know what I'm talking about.'

'Lily please, tell me its untrue.'

'Lily. Please be honest. Was it you with Zak?'

He knew. She'd been seen- probably by Luke. Maybe she could lie and keep him a little longer? No. That was despicable. Wait.. how did Luke know? All she remembered aside kissing Zak then sleeping with him was the ring of a shop bell.

The music store bell. Luke's second home. Drum lessons. Shit.

That was when she realized that she'd lost Laurence. He made her feel loved, and special, and most of all, happy.  She'd never been in a good relationship, and she'd ruined the only one she'd had by being a little bitch.  The thought of facing the world without Laurence by her side was a truly painful one. It was only made worse knowing that Laurence wouldn't be able to comfort her. She was on her own again.

Why had she done it? It wasn't like she didn't love Laurence- she loved everything about him. That was why she couldn't deceive him. She had to tell him the truth Goodbye Laur.

'I'm so so so so sorry. It's true. I regret it more than anything and its only been 24 hours. You deserve somebody better than me.

I love you.'

That was when the tears came.


It was true. She'd cheated on him. How could she?!?! He thought she'd loved him... She even said she did in the text, but... Surely she didn't. How could you cheat on somebody you loved?

He'd found love, and lost it. Not surprising.

At first, Laurence had been angry with Luke. He'd assumed that it was a lie, but then began to question his own judgement. Luke wasn't the type of guy to bullshit. So he'd texted her.

And she'd confirmed the worst.

Laurence locked his phone before shoving it into his pocket and collapsing on the bed. Head in hands, he felt the all too familiar tears emerging from behind his eyes. The ache from deep within his chest was there too, and ratcheting up to an almost unbearable level. He'd never felt this hurt, not even when he'd endured several years of bullying. 

The black haired boy remained in his feeling of sadness before standing up from the bed. Wiping the tears from his face, Laurence moved over to the mirror. Was it him? Had he driven her away? Maybe he just wasn't good enough for her. He didn't deserve anybody. No wonder she'd left him.

He couldn't stop the tears this time. Crying was supposed to be 'sissy', but he didn't give a fuck. All he knew at that moment was that he couldn't be alone. 

He called his best friend.

"Kier, can you come over?"

"Bevers? What's wrong?" Kier's answered, panic laced in his voice.

"Just come over. P-please,"

"Alright. I'm on my way. 5 minutes, tops."

Laurence hung the phone up, before catching sight of himself in the mirror. What he saw reflected there saddened him. His glasses were steamy and streaky, and his face was puffy and red from crying. He had to clean himself up before  Kier got there. 

They didn't have school today- that meant Lily would have been coming over. Laurence pulled his knees to his chest and stared into space, tears still rolling down his cheeks.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Bevers, is Laurence in?" Kier called from somewhere in the distance. He was downstairs. And he was going to see Laurence covered in smudged eyeliner, wearing steamed glasses, and crying like a child. Yet.. Laurence couldn't care less. 

"Sup, Bevers, the cavalry's arriiiiiiiiiiive- Bevers? Shit Laurence, what's wrong?"


He'd never seen Laurence like this. His face was absolutely tear stained, and his appearance was just completely dishevelled. Clearly, the pain he was feeling inside was reflecting on the outside. It broke Kier's heart to see him like this. What had happened?

Laurence sniffed slightly, as he choked out a single, inaudible word. Kier immediately shot over to him, taking the black haired boy in his arms and stroking his back. He didn't care that he was supposed to be hiding his feelings for this boy. It could always be dismissed as him just being supportive. Yet the way Laurence clung to him sent shivers down Kier's spine. 

Mentally kicking himself, Kier let Laurence cry before gently asking him again.

"Whats wrong, Laurence? What's happened. Cmon, mate," Kier inquired gently, withdrawing from the hug so he could look Laurence in the eyes. The black haired boy looked down, as Kier wiped a stray tear from the boy's face. He felt another tingle as his thumb brushed Laurence's cheek, but ignored it.

"Cmon, tell me."

"I.. well.. Lily and I.. well, I mean.. Lily.. she ch-cheated on me. I-I l-loved her- I d-don't deserve anyone Kier," Laurence sobbed.

His little confession caused Kier to envelop the boy in his arms once more. She'd cheated on Laurence. Fucking skank. There wasn't a nicer guy anywhere, and he'd been devoted to her in a way that made Kier feel a little jealous. 

A mixture of anger and sadness rose up inside Kier, as he began to stroke Laurence's hair. 

"Laurence. Listen to me. You have not done anything to make her cheat on you. Ever since you've met you've been a perfect gentleman. You've shown that you love her, you've treat her like a queen. You haven't done anything to make her cheat. And before you say that you don't deserve anyone, you do. You have a heart of gold, Laurence, it'd take a fool to miss that."

((A/N: Aw, some Keveridge. I'm not gonna have Kier admit his feelings yet. Not updating tomorrow because I'm going to see Bad Pollyanna:))))

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