Chapter 8- There's nothing special about me

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  • Dedicated to Lauren and Abi

((A/N: Theme park time. Keveridge time. Let the wild, crazy, fuelled by sugar Drew be free. This chapter should be fun and a little bit sexy for all you Kier lovers (Queen_Creep_666 i'm talking to you.) Once again I'm mentioning Laurence's feelings, as I've said before, I fucking love him and think he's absolutely amazing. Enjoy and don't forget to comment))


The rest of the journey went by without anyone saying a word. Luke had eventually put a CD on to drown out the noise of the Timids kissing. He'd chosen Green Day- purposely picking Laurence's favourite in order to try cheer him up. Truth be told, he'd spent most of his time with Lily thinking of he every time he heard the album, but it didn't matter. His friends were trying.

It felt like there was a raging conflict going on inside Laurence's heart. He was still haunted by the feeling of betrayal and misery- he didn't pine for Lily, but he was hurting. He didn't know if he could ever love again- they'd probably just cheat on him. Who could love him anyway?

Yet.. There were his new found feelings for Kier. He figured they'd stemmed from his best friend nursing him back to life over the past month. The kiss had just set off the peals of recognition inside Laurence's mind.

"We're here! Cmon you miserable fuckers! Timids! Put your dicks away and get out the van!" Luke called from the driver's seat, snapping Laurence out of his train of thoughts.

"Shut up Luke, no dicks were out," Drew sniffed, before sliding the back door open and jumping out. Laurence, Kier, Shane and Luke followed.

"FUCKING YES, WE'RE HERE, CMON LETS GO CMON NOW LETS GO HAVE FUN," Drew yelled, and was about to run off when Shane caught him by the hood of his jacket.

"Slow down, love,"

"Alright, lads, we're parked in the back car park, and these tickets'll let you on rides all day. Be back here for five," Luke bossed, clearly feeling like he was in charge. Laurence secretly thought that Drew would take charge as soon as they had the tickets.

Luke distributed them between the five. Kier stood, unusually quiet, turning it over in his hands and studying the finer prints. He was probably just tired, Laurence assumed, as he pocketed his own ticket.

"Right, Lukey, that's fab, lets go Shaney! We're off on the hard ass roller coasters, the games and the childrens water rides!" Drew sang, grabbing Shane and speeding off.

"By-" Shane's parting words were cut off as he was dragged away by his Timid.

Laurence's heart beat faster. Was he gonna be left alone with Kier?

"I'd best stick with them. Shane hates rides, and Drew'll go mental in there," Luke stated. "See you guys later."

Yep. They were alone.


Luke left, and my heart began to pound and flutter like crazy. He was being left with Laurence all day. Was today the day he admitted his feelings for his panda best friend?

The kiss earlier had set off a volley of fireworks in his chest- it had felt right. Warm. Sexy. Connected. He wondered what Laurence had felt.. Kier swore that he'd kissed him first. He'd also returned the kiss, and gone red as a traffic cone. Still adorable. However, Kier assumed that it was just embarrassment.

Yet, he was still hurting over his whore of an ex. If only he knew how much Kier liked him. Time for subtle hints, Kempy.

"Cmon, Beveridge, lets go."


Laurence followed Kier, struggling to keep up with his red haired friend. His legs had turned to lead at some point during the van journey.

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