Chapter 15- Good morning, beautiful

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((A/N: Enjoy. Sex scene. Don't like it, don't read it. Bit of a filler but hey, its an update. Dedicated to everyone who's voted, commented and read so far. <3 ))

"Morning, beautiful," Laurence murmured, as Kier slowly opened his eyes. 

"Whssamattah bbevers.. s'early.." Kier grumbled, burrowing into Laurence's side. The black haired boy chuckled and kissed the top of Kier's head. 

"Kier, it's 11am. My parents have gone out and your phone's been going off like crazy," Laurence replied. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Kier's phone began to ring, interrupting the kiss Kier was about to give Laurence.

Kier grumbled, muttering obscenities under his breath and reaching for his phone. He was too tired to check the caller ID, so jumped at the sound of his mother's voice.

"Hello, darling. You said you'd be over at that nice boy Laurence's, are you coming home today? How's your friend? The little steampunky one? Shane? He's such a darling-"

"Yeah mum, we're having a party round Shane's tonight. I'll be home tomorrow,"

"Okay, darling. Love you honey, bye!"

Kier cringed slightly. "Bye mum."

The red haired boy turned round to see a fluffy haired Laurence choosing a shirt from the wardrobe. Laurence was still in his pyjama bottoms, but was lacking a shirt. By the way he stood shyly away from Kier, he still wasn't comfortable in his own skin.

"Mmm, sexy. Good thing to see in the morning," Kier purred, winding his arms around Laurence's waist and leaning up to kiss his neck.

"Kier, cmon, we.. we have to go out and buy.. buy things for the party.." Laurence groaned, as Kier's kissing intensified.

"We can go later," Kier smirked, turning Laurence round and laying him back on the bed. The black haired boy began to kiss his boyfriend, pressing his lower abdomen against Kier's. Kier growled and was about to remove what little clothing Laurence had on, when the black boy spun him onto his back. Smirking, Laurence kissed Kier's lips, allowing him to remove their nightwear as he did so.

"Taking charge, are we?" Kier asked, referring to the fact Laurence had decided to be on top of Kier for once.

"Observant," Laurence grinned, gently teasing Kier. 

"Mea-" Kier began, but was cut off my Laurence pushing into him gently.

"On the contrary, I think I'm rather nice."


"Come on, Kier, you can't buy the Jack Daniels," Laurence groaned, as he stood behind Kier in the alcohol aisle. "Can't you just get a Monster or something? Or a sandwich?" 

"I want Jack Daniels!"

"You sound like Drew when he wants cookies. Shane has some Jack Daniels in his house."

"Yeah but I want more, do you see my issue?" Kier pouted, stroking the bottle of whisky lovingly.

"Kier, you don't have ID, and besides, you're seventeen," Laurence sighed, gently leading Kier away. The red fringed boy frowned but nuzzled into Laurence's side as the taller boy chucked a few bags of cookies into the basket.

"Right, we're done," Laurence decided, turning on his heel and strollling off, Kier struggling to keep up.

"Damn, Bevers, you have a nice ass," Kier paused, staring at Laurence from behind.

"You'd know."



Just over the road, Luke was seated in a small cafe, drumming his fingers on the table. His hair was brushed and not too messy, and his clothes were looking sharp. It was obvious that he was waiting for somebody- the alert stare out of the window indicated that. 

Luke's eyes flickered back to his table. Maybe she wouldn't come. She was kinda late..

His thoughts were interrupted when a female figure slid onto the sofa next to him.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late," Kai greeted apologetically, before briefly kissing Luke on the cheek. 

Luke froze slightly, excited at the fact she'd kissed him. He knew it was just a friendly greeting, but still.. He'd spoken to her a lot, seen her a couple of times, and he was beginning to develop a bit of a crush.

"It's fine," Luke replied smoothly, giving her a nervous smile. "I got you this.. You said  that you liked milshakes," Luke added, shyly pushing a tall glass across to her. He'd bought her a chocolate milshake with cream on, and it had taken all his self control not to drink it himself.

"You really didn't have to, but thankyou," She replied, taking a drink regardless. "Fabulous," Kai commented, not realizing she had a slight moustache from the cream on the top.

"Erm, here," Luke spoke, reaching out and gently brushing the cream away. 

Kai smiled widely, before taking another drink. She quickly finished it, and the two fell into conversation. The two spoke about everything from Metallica to their favourite kind of pizza.

"Do you have a band?" Kai asked curiously. She'd edged closer to Luke over the past twenty minutes or so, in the hope that she'd get a hug out of it. 

"Yeah, we're called Fearless Vampire Killers. Its a film title. I'm in it with my friends Drew, Shane, Kier and Laurence," Luke replied absentmindedly. He'd noticed that she'd been edging up to him, and was trying to find the courage to put his arm around her. She looked pretty. Spiky black hair, deep red lipstick and eyeshadow.. Why hadn't he met her sooner?

"Sounds cool. You're at Beccles High, right?"

"Yeah. You're at the school on the other side of town, right?"

"Yep, a shitty girl's school," She replied.

Luke smiled slightly, before slipping an arm around the girl. She smiled and cuddled into him, head on his shoulder. 

The intimate moment was ruined by the bleeping of her phone. Still cuddled into Luke, Kai pulled her phone out to check it. 

"Shit, I've gotta run. Meant to be home for my mum's birthday," Kai sighed, reaching for her jacket. 

"Thanks for the drink," She added. Luke saw his chance. Still feeling courageous, he leant down to kiss her goodbye. Kai kissed him back for a few seconds, before pulling away and kissing him on the cheek. 

"Can I call you later?" Luke asked, mind spinning slightly as she put her jacket on. "Sure," Kai replied, leaning down to kiss his other cheek.

"Gotta go, I'll see you later," She smiled, before making her way out of the cafe. 

Luke stared after her for a few minutes, head spinning. Blinking slightly, Luke left the cafe, remembering that he'd agreed to meet Laurence and Kier after their shopping trip.

Luke checked his phone, finding a text from Kai.

'Nice to see you today. Call later, got family stuff to do xx'

The black haired boy grinned, and was in the middle of replying when he was tackled to the ground.

"Illingworth, Illingworth, Illingworth," Laurence spoke from above him, as Kier sat down on Luke's stomach.

"Lipstick marks, eh? She kissed you!" Kier grinned, pointing at the lipstick smudges on Luke's cheeks. "You've been snogginggggg!"

"You stayed at Laurence's. You've been fucking," Luke retaliated. 

"Quiet, Luke, ladies present," Kier grinned, gesturing to Laurence.


"Laurence. Sorry, babyyy," Kier chirped, jumping off Luke and onto Laurence's back.

"Cmon, guys! To the P-A-R-T-A-Y!"

((A/N: Please comment. :)) thought i'd develop Luke and Kai a bit. The next chapter will be less of a filler.))

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