Chapter 16- Jealousy

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((A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter, I have more of an idea where I'm going with this fic now. I'd just like to say I ADORE Kier, and my heart hurts writing this. Don't hate/hurt me. ))

"Here's to the Timids!" Kier yelled, standing up on the table and raising his arm in a toast. The other four chorused their agreement, before Kier took a swig of Jack Daniels and fell off the table. 

Laurence dived to pick Kier up from the floor, cradling him dramatically in his arms. Kier, half drunk, swooned in his boyfriend's arms. "Oh, my Princey, I've sustained a head injury!" Kier stated dramatically.

"No you haven't," Laurence chuckled, ruffling Kier's hair and kissing him on the lips, before carrying him back to the sofa. 

"Here's to the Timids, one of the cutest couples ever," Laurence chuckled, as Kier nuzzled into his arms.The red fringed boy was clearly drunk- he'd managed to find a ton of whisky.

Shane smiled slightly as he cradled a sleeping Drew. Drew had found some alcopop beverage, and had an extremely low tolerance for alcohol. He'd fallen asleep a few minutes earlier. 

"So, guys, when's the wedding?" Luke queried from the corner, his legs draped over the arm of the chair and his phone in hand.

"We were talking about it, and we don't know.. Drew wants it to be next year, and I'd like to get married soon.. I just don't wanna rush him into anything," The golden haired boy replied, stroking Drew's forehead.

"He wouldn't have said yes when you prooposed if he didn't want to marry you. That and he'd try delay it as long as possible," Laurence reassured Shane, as Kier began to giggle uncontrollably in his arms. 

"Heheh.. Yessssss.. Sounds like a snek.. A snook.. A snuck.. Snekeh?" Kier enquired, pawing at Laurence's face. Laurence caught his hand and kissed it. "Snake."

"Speaking of ssshnakes.." Kier winked, cuddling against Laurence. 

"Not now, Kempy baby."

"K k k.. Night night," Kier smiled, before falling asleep.

Shane chuckled, looking round at his friends. They'd had a pretty good evening, even though it had been just the five of them. They didn't want anybody else to konw that the Timids were engaged yet. At some point, Kier had found a karaoke machine, and then created a few drinking games with Luke.

Unfortunately, the observant guitarist had found the Jack Daniels hidden in Shane's kitchen cupboard. Thankfully, though, Kier hadn't drunk any when Shane's parents turned up. They'd arrived home after a long trip back from Shane's grandparents' house, and immediately enveloped their son in love and kissed. Any other teen would have been embarrassed, but Shane loved both of his parents. Besides, they were only happy to see their son, after almost losing him. It wasn't exactly a crime.

The news of Shane and Drew's engagement had added further to their levels of excitement, and the two adults joined in the party for a few moments, before stating that they couldn't cope with Drew on energy drink, and Kier inventing crazy drinking games. With that, they kissed their son and bid them goodnight. 

Smiling fondly at the memory, Shane began to caress his Timid's face. The small boy had made frequent trips home, one to tell his parents that he was back, and another to announce his engagement. Thankfully for Shane, they were quite relaxed, and were happy for Drew to stay with Shane for the remainder of the holidays. 

"Oy, Shanus.. Anus.. Bum.. Bum.. Laurence.. Hey Laur, how about it?" Kier asked, having woken up a few moments ago. That was the thing about Kier- he could be as drunk as you could get, but he'd still remember little nicknames and whoever he was dating at the time. Surprisingly, he always remembered the events of the night he got drunk, even when he was off his face.

"Cmon Beveridge," Kier purred, as Laurence sighed and stood up, Kier in his arms. 

"I'm gonna take this little bugger home, and-"

"Bugger me senseless?"

"No, put you to bed," Laurence replied firmly, as Luke shook with silent laughter, phone still clutched in his hand. "Great party, Shane. Congrats, tell Drew that when he wakes up too. See ya Luke, bro," Laurence added, before leaving the room, Kier calling out a slightly drunken goodbye on the way out. 

"Bye, Keveridge!"


Kier and Laurence

Laurence breathed in the cold night air, smiling as he felt Kier cuddle into his chest. He was pretty cuddly sober, even more so drunk. 

Shaking his fringe back, Kier climbed down from Laurence's arms, the cold night air waking him up a bit. Groaning slightly, the shorter boy linked his arm with Laurence's, as they began to walk down the path and back to Laurence's.

"So, Kier, are you staying with me for the rest of the holiday?" Laurence pleaded, as the two began to walk down the street.

"Mum called.. She said I could go on hol.. holiday, but I don't wanna.. I'll stay with you," 

"Fucking perfect."

The two walked in silence, Kier clinging onto his love's arm like he never wanted to let go. From the look on Laurence's face, he wasn't planning on letting that happen. 

"I love you, Kier," Laurence murmured, leaning down to kiss the top of his boyfriend's head.

"Love you too, Beveridge."



She had to get Laurence back. The fact he'd moved on from her and found a guy angered the young girl, and she figured that he'd be better off with her anyway. Lily had gotten tired of Zak extremely quickly, but had been with him long enough for him to completely change her.

Gone was the sweet, loving, dainty young lady. In her place was a girl who was a lot more like her new friends. Popular. Tarty. Manipulative. 

And she didn't give a fuck. To her, the way to get Laurence back was simple.

Remove Kier from the equation. Either convince Laurence to get back with her, or have some friends take care of his new boyfriend..

First she had to see what they were like together. Cue her spending the day following them around, and waiting outside Shane's house to follow the two to wherever they were going. She was aware she was being slightly crazy with this, but that'd go when she got Laurence back. Right?

The sound of footsteps and talking snapped her out of her reverie, and the flash of a tall boy with black hair, and a shorter boy with a red fringe caused her to slip along in the shadows. 

"I love you, Kier."

"Love you too, Beveridge."

Eyebrows knitted in a scowl, Lily followed the two back to Laurence's house, prowling like a cat. 

Unfortunately, cats weren't as clumsy as the human race. Her boot crushed a twig, alerting the two's attention. Panicking slightly, she slippe dbehind a tree, getting just out of sight before Laurence turned around.

"What's wrong, Laur?"

"Nothing. Thought I heard something," Laurence shrugged, as the two began to walk down the path to Laurence's house. Lily sighed longingly- despite the layer of crazy, she still loved Laurence. The realization that she wouldn't get him back had long since faded.

The two boys walked down the path and into the house, locking the door behind them. From her hiding place, the girl saw that the downstairs light went off, before the upstairs bedroom light came on. It as on for several minutes, before it switched off. There was no way she could see anything now.

"Oh, I will have you again, Laurence Beveridge.. You will love me again, mark my words.."

((A/N: OH SHIT. Needed some more drama. Don't worry, she won't go 100% psycho bitch. I know loads of you hate this character but she's kinda fun to write. Please comment!))

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