Chapter 9- Wake up for me

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((A/N: Bloody hell, people are really liking this :3 I need some more drama in this and its going to break my soul to write.. I'm gonna have something happen to one of my favourite members and I'm sorry, don't hate me ))


Laurence's lips left Kier's after what seemed like a few minutes, but was in fact, almost half an hour. The sun had set completely, taking the last rays of sunset with it. The two were so close at this point- Laurence's  breath was warm on Kier's face, his arms two warm pillars in the cold night air. Neither of them said anything, both too lost in each other. 

Kier couldn't believe that he hadn't been rejected. It had been a long time since he'd been with anyone- none of his relationships had ever worked out. Laurence, however- Laurence felt right. He was the missing piece in Kier's heart.

"So, Kempy, maybe we should get back," Laurence murmured in Kier's ear, hands gently caressing Kier's bare shoulders before pulling his now dry hoodie over the shorter man's head. 

"Good idea, Bevers. Are we telling the guys?"

"Yeah, sure. We can't keep it a secret for ages, and they deserve to know," Laurence smiled. "So.. Does this mean you're my boyfriend now?" He added, shouldering his bag and taking Kier's hand in his. 

Kier smiled, reddening slightly and brushing his thumb over Laurence's hand. "I guess it does."


The walk back was a quiet one. The rides had closed down, and the only people around were those who had come for the bars and evening entertainment. Holiday makers, probably. Thankfully, they were all too pissed or busy to notice the two walking through the park. Laurence got the feeling that the reception to he and Kier's relationship wouldn't be as accepting as it was to him and Lily.. Bastards. Why couldn't people see that love was love?

Neither of the two said anything as they walked up to where Luke had parked the van. Judging by the lack of any sort of light inside, it was empty. For fuck's sake..

"Have no fear, Kier is here," Kier stated proudly, flourishing a spare key from the inside pocket of his jeans. He quickly unlocked the van, and Laurence hastily climbed in, only to feel a slight pinch.

"Kier Kemp, did you just grab my arse?"

"Sure thing, Beveridge," Kier winked, as he slid the van door shut. After hearing the little click, Kier dove into Laurence's lap, arms going round his neck. Laurence responded by sliding his arms around Kier's waist, noticing how baggy his jumper was on his boyfriend. Boyfriend. that word made his heart flutter like mad.

"Fucking hell, my jumper's big-"

"Shut it, Bevers, none of that please," Kier responded, pressing his lips to Laurence's once more. Laurence eagerly kissed him back. Kier's lips were soft and warm, and he had a tendency to smile into Laurence's kisses. The two continued to kiss for a while, as Laurence's arms began to move up and down Kier's back. 

Kier growled gently, hands entwining in Laurence's hair as he pushed him down so he was lying on the seat. The two continued to kiss even more passionately, Kier's tongue gently running across Laurence's bottom lip.

That was when the van door opened.

"Oh, you're ba- holy fuck, okay, did not want to see, yup, okay, thats just, no, I'll be outside," Luke spoke, the startled tone in his voice showing his surprise at finding his best friends making out in a van.

Laurence gently lifted Kier off him, kissing his forehead before following Luke outside. Kier grumbled, but followed the black haired boy out of the van and into the parking lot.

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