Chapter 17- Hangovers, dates and skittles

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((A/N: Lily's not going to appear for a few chapters, but don't forget her. Crucial nasty bitch. However, here's a fluffy, sweet chapter. No Keveridge till next chapter, though.Enjoy)


Hangovers were quite possibly the worst thing ever. Shane never really got them, and if he did, it was only in the mornings. Why was he awake so early though?

Shane pushed his fringe back and reached for his glasses, fumbling until he got them on his face. Blinking slightly to clear the soft residue of sleep, Shane looked around to find what had awoken him. He distinctly remembered being squeezed..

Drew. The taller Timid looked down to find Drew's arms wound tightly around his waist. Clearly, he'd attempted to cuddle Shane in his sleep and woke him up instead. Shane chuckled, brushing his thumb against Drew's cheek. A small smile resided on his face, his features soft and innocent. They always were, but he looked even cuter asleep. He couldn't help himself. Shane leant down to kiss his boyfriend before settling back down into his arms. Perhaps he could sleep off the hangover.


Drew awoke at around 11am, three hours after he'd unknowingly awoken Shane. The small Timid yawned gently, liking the warm feel of Shane's arms around him. Chuckling, Drew cuddled into Shane's chest, clearly cheerful. He wasn't in possession of a hangover- he never did get them.

A small moan alerted Drew to the fact that Shane had just woken up. 

"Drew, baby.." Shane moaned, winding his arms round Drew.Drew giggled and nuzzled against his boyfriend.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Drew purred, rolling on top of his boyfriend. Shane made a little 'unf' sound as Drew began to kiss all over his face.

"The hangover though.." Shane sighed, rubbing his forehead as Drew began to peck his lips. 

"You okay, Shaney? Wanna watch a movie today?" Drew queried, cuddling into his boyfriend.

"Sounds good," Shane smiled softly, gripping onto Drew just as the small Timid decided to bounce off downstairs.

"Why don't we stay here for a bit?" Shane suggested, blushing slightly. He needen't have bothered feeling timid in that particular moment- Drew responded with a deep, extremely passionate kiss.

"Love to."


"SHANEY! Is it supposed to be doing that?" Drew wailed from the kitchen, as his frying pan began to smoke. He'd been trying to make breakfast for Shane, but it wasn't going well.

 Drew looked frantically around the kitchen, and was about to run and find Shane when a pair of slightly muscular, hoodie swathed arms wound round his waist. Shane's deep laugh sounded from behind him, before he placed kisses all over Drew's head. 

"No, its not, sweetie.." Shane chuckled, taking the pan and limping to the back door. Once outside, he set the pan down before walking back to Drew.

"Shaney? Are you okay?" The small Timid queried, worried by Shane's slight limp.

"Mm hm," Shane murmured, wrapping Drew in his arms and kissing his forehead. "My leg's still sore and I left my crutches somewhere.." Shane admitted. He'd put them down somewhere last night, and couldn't remember where. Oh, the beauty of alcohol.

"What were you trying to make, anyway?" Shane added, stroking the back of Drew's head.

"I wanted to make you breakfast," Drew giggled, leaning up and kissing Shane lightly.

"How about we both make it?" Shane responded, leaning against the counter to take his weight off his bad leg.

"Yes!" Drew beamed. "Lets have cookies and skittles and chocolate!" The small Timid grinned, putting an arm round Shane's waist for support.

Shane sighed. "It's a good job I love you."

"Love you too, Shaney! Let's cook."

"You don't have to cook skittles, Drew baby.."

"Ssssh Shaney, you're in Drew's kitchen now."




She was late again. However this time, Luke was too excited to mind too much. 

The tall boy stood outside the local cinema, phone in one hand. He'd recently received a text from Shane asking for hangover tips, but  it wasn't that message he was focused on. Luke was too used to hangovers for it to really affect him, and he couldn't exactly help Shane by telling him to get used to it. Shane was a timid guy, after all.

The recent message from Kai was what he was focused on. 

I liked spending time with you. In reply to your last message, am I classed as your girlfriend now?:)xxx

Yep. He'd asked her if she'd like to be with him, and it had gone well. A small smile on his face, Luke was about to text asking where she was, when a new message flashed up.

"Incoming. Landing in 3,2.." Luke read, before a sudden weight was applied to his back, a pair of slender arms wrapped around him.

"1! Hello, Illingworth," Kai added cheekily, before Luke reached back and pulled her round to face him. He kissed her gently before setting her down. 

"You scared the crap out of me," Luke chuckled, ruffling her hair gently before she batted his hands away.

"Sorry. I know I'm late, but I was stocking up for this film," Kai grinned, holding her jacket open to reveal lots of food, sweets, and drinks. "I brought like all my food from home, these places charge millions for half a bag of crisps,"

Luke chuckled, before taking her hand. 

"Good idea,"

"Race you in."

"You're on."

~Time lapse~

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think that film was gonna be so shit.." Luke sighed, as the two walked out of the cinema, hand in hand. 

"it was okay, I really didn't mind it," Kai replied, squeezing his hand reassuringly as the two made their way to the nearest car park. Luke had invited her over to his afterwards, and she was more than happy to spend more time with him.

"You sure?" Luke asked, as the two arrived at the car park. 

"Yep," Kai reassured him, before climbing into the passenger seat of Luke and the others' van. Luke climbed in the other side, before turning the engine on and setting off. 

Kai busied herself with looking through the CDs in the glove box. She didn't have time to look at too many- it was a short trip back to Luke's flat. The black haired girl was reading the back of a Metallica CD when the door next to her opened. Blinking, she looked up to realize that they'd stopped outside a flat, and that Luke was waiting to help her climb out.

"Sorry, sorry," She apologized, putting the CD's back and clambering out, taking Luke's hand before following him inside. Luke's flat was cozy, with soft carpet and cream walls. These walls, however, were covered in band posters, and his floor was still covered with DVDs from when he had ransacked his shelves.

"Sorry for the mess.. I kind of left this to go to Shane's party and haven't had time to tidy," Luke apologized, picking up a few DVDs. He was about to stuff them back on the shelf when Kai puled him onto the sofa next to her. 

Smiling, he wound his arms round her waist before settling in to kiss her.

Laurence had Kier. Shane had Drew. And Luke finally had someone to call his.

((A/N: Hope you enjoyed this, please comment etc.))

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