Chapter 11- Nice to see you again

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((A/N: This fic has been full of feels so far.. Maybe I'll add some more in here;) Sex scene too. If you don't like it don't read it. Wooooo.)


Drew walked slowly up to a small congregation in the middle of a local church yard. Kier, Luke and Laurence glanced towards him, sombre expressions on their faces.

"You okay, Drew?" They asked, as the short Timid approached. They were all wearing black suits and ties.

Drew choked out a small sob, as he was pulled into an embrace by all three of his friends. They'd just gotten outside after a long , painful few hours inside the church.

"Ready to go?" The man stood alongside the group enquired, before a group of young men lowered the black coffin into the ground.  The coffin containing the love of Drew's life.

Drew awoke with a jolt, his heart racing and his  head pounding. He was covered in a slick sheen of sweat- yet another nightmare. He kept on dreaming that Shane was going to die, and it was really taking a toll on him.

Shane had been in intensive care for a month, and he hadn't yet woken up. School had been put on hold, but they'd only missed a week of it. Luckily, the summer holidays had just started.

Drew pushed back his fringe as he glanced towards the clock. 7am. Fucking brilliant. The small Timid yawned, before climbing out of his crappy hotel room bed. Bleary eyed and muttering grumpily, Drew pulled on a tattered old shirt and was about to make a drink when a knock came from the door.

And that was when he remembered why they were all up so early.

They were going to take Shane out of ICU today. There was a 50/50 chance that it'd kill him, and a 50/50 chance that he wouldn't.

"Mm," Drew grunted, as Laurence, Kier and Luke burst in. Laurence was carrying a sleeping Kier, and Luke was struggling to keep awake. 

"You alright, Drew? Look, I'm sorry, but we've gotta get to the hospital now. They're moving him early, so.. well.. In case anything happens," Laurence spoke, voice cracking slightly.

If anything happened. AKA- In case Shane's heart stopped.



Luke, Laurence and Kier gathered round Shane's hospital bed, waiting for the doctors to finish reading the notes next to the sleeping Timid. Luke's hands rested on Drew's shoulders. The small Timid had wilted like a flower without sunlight- he was extremely unhappy, thin, and there were permanent bags under his eyes. The look of longing on his face every time he looked at Shane crushed Laurence's heart into millions of pieces.

Laurence watched as Drew began to stroke Shane's hair. The sleeping Timid didn't look as ill anymore- the cuts and scrapes on his face had healed, but they told a lie. All four boys knew that this could kill him.

"Right. As you know, Mr Sumner's condition has improved since he first woke up. If the worst comes to the worst, we'll be able to revive him and put him back on life support. If he wakes, however, we'll discharge him," The kindly looking doctor informed them all. 

The guys nodded, Drew's face turning a deathly white. He clutched Shane's hand as the doctor began to turn all the machines off. First the monitors that told them how he was doing.. and then, the medication that kept their friend asleep.

You could hear a needle drop- the absence of the heart monitors meant that they had no way of telling if Shane was alive. They'd have to wait until he woke up... or not.

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