Chapter 14- Celebrations and confessions

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((A/N: Did you guys like the Timid proposal?;) I loved writing it. This is a bit of a filler chapter, Enjoy. :) ))

"I will," Drew spoke, as the sun went down. Kier. Laurence and Luke stared at the Timids, mouths hanging open in awe. Kier sniffed and fanned himself as Shane took Drew into his arms.

"Ah my god, the feels," Kier snuffled, leaning back into Laurence's chest. Laurence's arms tightened around Kier as he exchanged shocked expressions with Luke. 

"Guys!" Kier shrieked, running over to the Timids excitedly. Laurence and Luke followed, clapping Shane and Drew on their backs and congratulating them. Kier hugged Drew while jumping up and down manically. Luke and Laurence gathered around Shane, faces split into equally wide smiles.

And that was when Shane collapsed. He'd made the decision to kneel down on his still healing leg, and it had been hurting him like crazy. 

"Shaney, you okay?" Drew fretted, arms round his fiance. Laurence leant down, pushing Shane's fringe down before nodding slightly.

"He knelt on his kinda broken leg, he'll be fine, we'll just take him upstairs to sleep. It's getting late anyway," Laurence spoke, smiling comfortingly at Drew.

"Gawd Bevers, can you stop going round with those fine ass smiles?" Kier asked, pretending to swoon before chuckling and picking Shane up from the floor. He wasn't that heavy, and Drew ran alongside him, not entirely trusting Kier to be careful with his love. 

Laurence led them inside, followed by Luke, who had immersed himself in his phone once again. His messages had clearly piled up again.

"So, guys, can we all have an engagement party?" Kier asked, following Laurence up the stairs, pinching his arse with his free hand. Laurence swatted his hand away and Drew hit Kier on the shoulder for letting go of Shane. Luke pissed off to the kitchen, muttering about needing food and women.

"Yeah, party! Booze!" Drew smiled. The enormity of the situation hit him all at once, causing him to shriek slightly and jump up and down. The short Timid giggled excitedly, as he followed Laurence and Kier into Shane and Drew's room. The panda and the red haired boy gently set Shane down on his bed, leaving Drew to sit alongside and clutch his hand. 

"AhhhhhhhhhhshitIMGONGETMARRIED," Drew giggled, bouncing up and down slightly.

"Careful, Drew," Laurence murmured, before Kier cut him off.

"We're gonna go back to Laurence's to sleep, then tomorrow, we gon go party shopping," Kier winked, before ruffling Drew's hair. "Get your oil cause you're strapping on that ball and chain," He announced, before pulling Laurence out of the door.

"Congratulations!" Laurence called, a smile on his face as his own boyfriend pulled him round the corner.

"Kier, shut the fuck up, we all know you're not going to 'sleep!" Drew called back, ignoring the ball and chain comment.

"Little buggers.." Shane mumbled from his bed, squeezing Drew's hand as he awoke.

"Hey, fiance. You okay?"

"Yeah.. Just a bit sore.  Sorry Drew, I wanted to do the traditional one knee thing," Shane smiled, as Drew leant down to kiss him.  Shane returned the kiss hungrily, before Drew cuddled up into his uninjured side. The small TImid sighed with content, nuzzling his face into Shane's body.

The two were silent for a second, before Drew spoke.

"Love you, Shaney. Welcome home," 

"I love you too. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Sleep, its been a long day," Shane murmured, stroking Drew's hair until he fell asleep. The awake Timid placed a kiss on Drew's forehead, brushing his thumb across his cheek before he fell asleep too.

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