Chapter 19- Sick day

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((A/N: Bit of a filler. Nearing the end of this fic, though. Enjoy, please comment))

"Pretty good film.." Laurence commented, as they watched the end credits roll. 

"Mhm hm," Kier mumbled sleepily, running a hand under the collar of his shirt. He'd fallen asleep towards the end, but had woken up, then fallen back to sleep and woken up again. 

"You okay?" The ebony haired boy queried, nuzzling into the top of Kier's head.

"Yeah I think, Beveridge," Kier yawned. "Bit warm.. Can we turn the fire off?"

"It is off, Kee.." Laurence frowned, resting his hand on the top of Kier's forehead. He was boiling- despite the fact they'd moved their blankets onto the floor.

"Ergh, warm.." Kier mumbled. "Hang on, off to get water.." He spoke, before climbing off the sofa. His body ached, and his legs felt like jelly. The red fringed boy rubbed his palm against his forehead, before he fell. Instead of hitting the floor, he fell into a pair of soft, yet strong arms. 

"I'll get it, but first I'll take you up to bed," Laurence spoke, holding Kier close as he made his way up the stairs. Once he'd reached the top, he took Kier across the landing and kicked his bedroom door open. Once inside, he laid Kier down on the bed.

"Cheers Bevers.. Can I have a blanket?" Kier queried, looking up at his boyfriend with puppy dog eyes. Laurence frowned slightly. Hadn't he just said he was too hot? Shrugging it off, Laurence selected a thin blanket from the cupboard and placed it over his boyfriend. Kier smiled gratefully, nuzzling into the fleece. It was a few seconds until he spoke again. 

"Too warm," Kier groaned, pushing the blanket down off the bed.

"I'll go get you some things," Laurence smiled, leaning down to kiss Kier's forehead. 

"Thanks, Bevers.. I love you."


Two hours later, and Kier had finally fallen asleep. Next to his bed was a tray with a jug of water, some slices of toast and lots of tissues. 

Laurence sat on the bed, gently stroking Kier's forehead while he scrolled through the contacts on his phone. He'd planned to go round and talk to Lily with Kier, but Kier was too ill.

Who could he call? No way was he going to go round there on his own- her friends were about three times the size of him. He needed someone to go with him.

Shane? No. Drew? No. The two were nicknamed the Timids for a reason. Luke? Tall, strong.. Drummer.. Definitely. 

Laurence pressed the green button next to Luke's name, and pressed the phone to his ear. The ebony haired boy intertwined his fingers with Kiers, and waited for the drummer to answer.

"Beveridge? You arse, I'm trying to entertain," Luke answered, annoyance and irritation evident in his voice. He clearly had his girlfriend round.

"Dirty bastard. I need your help with something, can I just talk to you for a few minutes?"

"Inconvenient, Laurence, but uhm, yeah.. Hang on Kai, its Laurence," Luke spoke, before the sound of a door shutting was heard. 

"Alright, Beveridge, what is it?"

"Well..." Laurence hesitated, before diving in to explain the entire story.


"So what're you gonna do?" Luke asked, after Laurence had explained everything.

"I dunno.. How about we go round and plead?"

"Nah mate. How about we go round and you act like an absolute dick? She wants her nice boyfriend back, she doesn't want an arsehole like Zak. Put her off you," Luke chuckled.

Laurence paused momentarily, thinking it over. It wasn't a bad idea..

"Alright. Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go back to Kai," Luke spoke, an unfamiliar smug tone to his voice.

"Get in there, mate," Laurence replied, laughing. "Cheers,"

"Luke out."

Laurence switched the call off, before thumbing the phone off and resting it down on the side. The black haired boy shifted so he was sat close to Kier. The red fringed boy was still asleep, his fringe messily splayed across his forehead. His lips were parted slightly, labret piercing glittering. Laurence rested a hand on his leg, a small smile on his face. He couldn't wait to get through this- then he and Kier could be together properly. No more ups and downs.

It was going to be perfect. Laurence leant down and kissed Kier's clammy forehead, before pulling away and pushing Kier's fringe back for him. 

"You're so beautiful, Kier.. I love you," Laurence smiled, thumbing Kier's face gently.

"Not so bad yusself, Beversss.. Luv ya," Kier whispered, only just awake, his unwell state evident in his voice.

"Luke and I are going to sort this thing with Lily out tomorrow.. You won't even have to get out of bed. You just stay here, recuperate, and by the time it's sorted, you'll be better. Don't worry baby, I'll look after you," Laurence spoke, smiling.

Kier smiled a little. "Thankyou.." He murmured before dropping off to sleep again.

Laurence kissed Kier's cheek before sliding behind Kier and resting his boyfriend's head in his lap. Kier remained asleep, but a small smile formed on his face while Laurence stroked his hair and sung to him.

Nobody was going to harm Kier. Not now, not ever. 


Across town, another conference was going on. 

"So, did you phone Kier?" Lily asked, as the two sat in the back of the old, worn down coffee shop.

Sitting across from her was the guy who'd made the call to Kier. He was tall, with a ridiculously strong jawline, and brown hair that fell into his dark eyes. 

"Yeah. Sounded terrified," The guy chuckled, arrogance laced in his voice.

"Aw, poor baby Probably ran to Laurence. I bet you anything we'll run into them soon," Lily smirked. "He better shower before he gets back for me, I don't want to touch a body that's touched Kier's," She bitched, as her companion laughed. His chest was rippled with muscles, and he looked like your typical jock. 

"Well, I'll be there if we see them. I think it'll be soon.."

"I look forward to it."

"Here's to getting Laurence back for you," 

"This time tomorrow.. He'll be mine. And Kier? Well, he'll be, ah, out of the picture," Lily grinned.


((Oooooh shit! Please leave comments! This story is so close to the end, do you want me to carry on with TImids one shots or do an actual Timids fic? Hope you enjoyed x ))

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