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The knife dug into your neck,making you wince but hold your ground. Your entire body shook as you held the knife,Sans standing a few feet from you. His shaking pin pricks made you feel the slightest sorry for what you were doing. Tears streamed down your face as you gritted your teeth. "Doll,you don't have-" "Yes,I fucking do Sans! You just don't understand,do you?" His red aura flowed from his left eyesocket slowly.

"Im. Tired. Sick,and tired of being kicked,punched,bruised,cut,smacked,starved,and treated like I'm a piece of shit! Thats all everyone does here. Especially to me! Just because I'm a fucking human,right?! Well,I'm done. Theres no point in living in this hell. Just take my soul and open the barrier yourself." Your voice cracked.

The knife was cutting in already. The tip sank slowly into your skin,blood starting to seep out. You gave a crazy smile. "Dont you dare do it!" He yelled. The shaking skeleton reached out. You brought the knife into your neck,a voiceless scream came as you collapsed onto the ground,taking your final breath. Sans ran up to you,screaming things. Before everything disappeared,you saw one last thing. Sans above you,crying. And you were gone.


Where the hell were you? You had just woken up a few minutes ago in this big blank space. Was this heaven? Or hell? You didnt know what this was. You reached up to your neck,feeling a long,thin scar,going down your neck.

How? Okay,you really needed to find out where you were. As if your prayers were answered,a voice arose from behind you. "Hello,(Y/N.)" You instantly turned around,seeing a skeleton a few feet away from you.  The skeleton was about the same hight as Sans,but a more colorful and gentle version of him. Wait. Another version? "Uhm..hi?" The skeleton had a large paint brush strapped to his back.

He wore a brown scarf,with a brown shirt that had tanish sleeves. There was some sort of brown vest,that had viles contained with different colors. A light blue sweater was wrapped around his waist. Lastly,he had on brown shorts with a single blue stip on each leg and brown,light blue and tan shoes. His pinpricks were different. One was a star,and another was a red triangle. "I know,you're confused. My name is Ink. Creator of all the AUs. Alternate Universes. I know who you are."

Ink said,smiling as he walked over to you. Alright,getting straight to the point here. Alternate Universes? You were already questioning this.

"AUs,is a story for another time. Now,you're here. And I know you want to know where you are. Well,this is what I like to call,the border line. Its nor heaven,or hell." Guess that explains it? "Okay?.. Why exactly am I here then?" Ink stood infront of you,holding his hand out. You slowly took it,as you shook hands. "Well,you're here because I'm going to offer you something."

What? A person you just met,after you died,and ended up in this thing called the border line,is offering you something?

None of this is making any sense to you. "What is it?" Ink sat down on the white floor,patting infront of him with a smile. "This might be a bit of a story."

You followed him,sitting and crossing your legs. He blinked,and you noticed his pinpricks change. Now,the left was a blue square and the right was a green circle. "How-" "Dont ask. Now,we need to focus on what I'm about to give you." You reluctantly nodded,as he began to speak.

"So,you are from the Universe called UnderFell. A pretty twisted one,but there still was sanity in it. You knew that,correct?" "Yes,but-" He cut you off,continuing on with his story. "Okay. After you..ended it. You came here. And you died because of how you were treated,because of being a human. Beaten,starved-" "...Please don't remind me.." Ink nodded,understanding. "Well,to put it short. I wanted to give you another chance. A second,chance. To live in a better universe." He smiled gently.

Your eyes widened at the offer,feeling light. "One where you wont be abused or anything in that sort." You began to smile. "But,you will have a task to do in order to stay." Oh. Damn it. "While living in that universe,making new friends and forgetting your past,you have to free them. Free the monsters. By breaking the barrier."

Your smile fell,as you already knew about breaking the barrier. You knew about souls. Yours was something different than a usual human soul. It was (F/C),with slivers of red in it.

Determination,within you. But,why didn't you have the determination to help Sans and everyone else? Maybe,it wasn't enough.. "If you succeed,you will be able to stay in your new life. Though,if you dont.." So,theres only one chance,or.. "You'll have to go back to your original Universe." Your soul stopped at those very words. "Go back?.." You said,your voice cracking. He nodded sadly,his expression unreadable.

"You'll have ten months to set them free. Otherwise...you know. While you're there,I'll be checking on you often when you sleep. Plus,you'll have help setting them free. Dont think negative. I believe you can do this." Ink stood up,brushing off his clothes.

You did aswell,stretching. A few bones cracked and popped,both of you hearing them. Ink twitched at the sound,shivering. "Did you break anything while doing that? Geez." You breathed out a laugh. "So,it's a deal?" You nodded,Ink then extending his hand out. You took it, shaking it. A warm feeling rang through you for just that moment,before you both parted.  "So uh,when will I be going to this new Universe?" Ink grinned,taking off his brush and holding it.

"Now." Your eyes widened in surprise as he snapped his fingers,and a bucket of paint appeared. He took that and dipped his rather large paint brush in it. Then,he dragged the brush across the floor,creating a long line that seemed to open up. It looked like the paint was moving. "Wait,I don't think-" "You'll do great (Y/N.) Just stay determined." Ink said with a smile. "It was nice seeing you. Bye!"

Before you could react,the colorful skeleton pushed you into the paint,making you yelp as you actually started to fall. Everything was black as you looked up to just barely see Ink. He was holding a thumbs up,and without a warning,you blacked out.


Wow. So,hi everyone! How's it going? Welcome to my book,'A Chance!' Just to let you know now,this was a short chapter. Most of the chapters I'll be writing will be long,so don't worry.
Do you like the beginning?

Alright,I'll be completely honesty here. I thought of all of this,like starting this book and everything,while I was on the bus home and listening to music. I have a very magical mind. Well,welcome to my book,and please enjoy the story ahead! Oh yeah,and Im pretty sure this is gonna be a slow burn soooo.

-A Chance- (G!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now