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Sorry for the wait! I was being lazy,so to make up for it,here's a long chapter! Enjoy!


You got out of bed,sighing. There was no way you would sleep. The memory of earlier tugged at you,no matter what you did. It was late at night,and Frisk was already asleep. Along with Papyrus.

You rubbed your temple,quietly exiting the room. You stood at the top of the stairs for a moment,wondering if G was home. He probably was in his room. You decided not to bother him and crept down the stairs. It was dark,so you turned on the living room light and went into the kitchen,turning that one on as well. You went into the fridge,searching for anything that could possibly help you sleep. But what would food do?

You grunted,closing the fridge and deciding to just get some water. You grabbed a cup from the cabinets and went to the sink,turning on the faucet.

The cold water splashed into the cup,filling up quickly. Once if was filled,you turned off the faucet and took a sip of the water. You mentally face palmed when you remembered what your dad told you at the surface.

You had woken up at the middle of the night because of a nightmare. It wasn't a great one either... He heard your cries,and was by your side immediately. You asked him for water,but he said 'water won't help. Especially cold water. That'll only tighten your nerves. How about I warm ya up some milk okay?'  You smiled at the fond memories that suddenly came to mind.

You dumped out the water and turned back to the fridge. Finding the milk jug hidden behind all the spaghetti,you took it out and opened it,pouring it into your cup.

Then you warmed it up in the microwave,waiting as the time went down. You tapped your finger on the counter,hearing the door to the house swing open. It slammed shut right after,making you jump. You turned quickly around,seeing G stumble in. You almost froze when  you and him locked eyes. You were about to speak,but didn't get the chance to when he disappeared. You let out a small whimper,hearing the microwave go off.

Turning back to it,you opened it up and took out the now warm milk. 'It's only been a few days and I already messed up..' You thought,drinking your milk with a sinking feeling draping your soul.

It was not going to be a good night.



Human? What are you doing down here?" Someone spoke,making you groan and turn on your side. "Human? Are you sick again?" You cracked your eyes open,seeing Papyrus hover over you,Frisk by his side.

Last night flashed inside your head,making you sigh. You had stayed up until about five in the morning,trying to sleep.

You sat up,smiling tiredly. "Eh,just thought Frisk could have the bed for the night.. Sorry if I worried you." You said,rubbing your neck and stretching. "But you didn't have a blanket or pillow?" He said. You shrugged,glancing to Frisk. "Guess I forgot. Again. Sorry." You yawned,rubbing your eyes. Papyrus grinned wide,patting the top of your head. "No worries human! Me and Frisk made breakfast,so you can eat when you're hungry! But I suggest you eat it soon,breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all!"

He shouted,walking off to do whatever. Frisk had climbed on the couch next to you,crossing their legs and looking to you with concern. 'Are you sure thats what happened? You look really tired,and there are streaks on your face.' Frisk asked.

Oh yeah. You cried a bit last night. But that doesnt matter now. You nodded,ruffling their hair with a smile. "I'm alright. Don't you worry about little old me. So,what did you plan on doing today?" You asked,sitting in the same position they were in. They grinned. 'Well,I wanted to go out and venture more,meet more monsters to befriend! But G would probably say no.' They said with a shrug.

-A Chance- (G!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now