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You sat there,silence. What could you say? A creation? So,you aren't a human? Your soul seemed to recognize the vile,rubbing against it and glowing vibrantly. You stared at Ink in shock.

He chuckled nervously. "I expected this reaction." You looked at your hands. "So,you created me?" Ink nodded,glancing behind you. "How?"


"Reset then!" G screamed at Frisk,who was shaking. "I told you I can't! Something is corrupting the files!!" Tears ran down their face. "Bull shit! If I killed you right now,you'd just reset! Why don't i do that instead?!" A bone was summoned in Gs hand as he towered over the quivering child.

The two were in Alphys lab,and Frisk was being interviewed by G. After "Frisk" killed you,your soul didn't appear. You just laid there. G had appeared to the seen,seeing what had happened. He brought you to Alphys,and Frisk along. Undyne was there,and tried murdering Frisk several times. G stopped her though. "I don't know what's going on! I'm trying Sans!" Frisk cried out,holding themselves. "You think I'm just gonna let you go after this 'demon' took over your body and killed an innocent being? What kind of sick life do you live in?! I've been through countless timelines for you,thinking that one day we'd finally have the freedom we deserve. But YOU get tired! YOU decided to reset,and try something new right?! Then on the hundredth reset,not only you,but another human falls! I thought it would be different,but you're a sick human. You'll never change,will you!? You know what,how about I-" "G! She's breathing!"

Alphys shouted from the other room,catching both G and Frisks attention. Without hesitation,G ran out the room. Frisk couldn't. They were cuffed to a table by their legs. All they could do was sit there and pray..

G didn't know why he cared so much about you. Just another meer human. But you were different. Sort of. You gave off an aura that he had never felt before. It felt like he had to keep you safe. Yet he already failed that. Alphys was frantically writing things down. Her head was popping up every five seconds from her board to see if anything changed. He stopped,seeing your chest slowly rising and falling. Your stomach was wrapped in white bandages,all around the wound. Your skin was pale from the lack of warmth.

Your eyes were closed. It looked as if you were just asleep for the most part. "S-shes a m-miracle.." Alphys mumbled,not sensing Gs presence. G didn't care for Alphys at the moment. All he wanted was for you to live. "Will she wake up?" G asked. Alphys jumped,poking her head up from the clipboard. "W-well,she has a 77% chance to. S-shes r-really lucky to be a-alive. She w-was practically f-frozen when y-you you got here,a-and l-lost a lot of b-blood already.." G nodded,coming to your side. "Have you figured out why her soul hasn't appeared yet?"

Alphys shook her head. "S-sorry,but i-its like her body d-doesn't w-want to l-let her soul be s-seen. I-its new for me,s-so I don't have a-any information a-about it." G sighed in frustration. 'I told you to stay in the house...' The skeleton suddenly felt guilty. It was his fault he didn't stop you.

His fault he couldn't find you. His fault you ended up this way. Twice now. "I-I think you s-should check on F-Frisk.." Alphys spoke,writing a few things down. G nodded. "Tell me if anything happens immediately." He spoke while taking one last glance at you before going back to the child that put you here. "I will."


"So i was originally supposed to be in the original universe?" You asked Ink. He nodded,rubbing the back of his neck. "You were supposed to go there,so you would be created automatically in the other universes. But a glitch caused you to fall into UnderFell,and you were there alone. There is no other version of you." All of this information you were being given was a lot to take in. "I was created out of pure curiosity.. Originally for an assistant but then to be sent to a universe but glitched into the wrong one,leaving me as the only,well,version of me. Wow."

Ink chuckled,watching as your soul floated around you. "Yeah. I know. I wanted to send you to the Universes because I didn't want you to be trapped here,in a white space for the rest of your life. But,you got worse than that. I wasn't able to stop what happened in UnderFell,due to circumstances I can't speak of..and I apologize for that. You were supposed to be joyful and innocent. But a small mistake ruined that..I apologize for everything you've been through so far,and if I could go back and fix this,I would."

Tears weld in your eyes for multiple reasons. He's been there your whole life. He created you. He's apologizing for something he couldn't stop.. "Ink. Just shut up. You tried,and I'm happy you did. You told me the truth,you apologized,you've done enough. Whatever prevented you from doing more,you'll soon surpass..Ink. You're someone I won't forget. I guess you're like my dad?.." You said,feeling a bit weird saying that.

Your soul lit up,as it started to bounce happily. Inks sockets widened as a faint rainbow-what you guessed was a blush-appeared on his cheekbones. He stuttered for a moment before awkwardly laughing. "I-I guess so.. In a way."

Your soul lit up even brighter,as the colors swirled. You had never seen your soul so..bright. "I guess your soul agrees." Ink spoke with a grin. "Yeah." There was silence as the both of you watched your soul happily. It didn't matter if Ink saw your past from your soul. He already saw it while watching over you. "So,dad. Am I dead?.." You asked,glancing off. Ink blinked before understanding what you meant. "It all depends. Your soul is the one that makes the choice. Technically,you are alive in EchoTale. But you're in a coma. If your soul chooses to wake your body up,you'll live. If its been through a lot and is tired,you'll,well die.."

So it depends on your soul.. Slowly,it floated down to your hands,nuzzling into the warmth. You smiled. Its like it has its own mind. "I think it wants me to live." You giggled as it somehow nodded,turned (F/C),with the streaks of red that were once lost.

"I guess so. I don't know when you'll wake up,but when you do,remember to stay quiet about this. Alright?"

You nodded,feeling light. "Its been nice seeing you little buddy. Take care of (Y/N.)" Ink said towards your soul. Suddenly,it launched out of your hand and directly towards Ink. Ink laughed as it circled and nudged his skull. "Its not gonna be forever,but you have to leave for now. If you want (Y/N) to live."

Your soul seemed to understand and started to fade away while floating back into your chest. When it was fully gone,a burst of energy seethed through you. "Eight months (Y/N.) Push forward." Ink said,before disappearing. You didn't get to speak before it went dark.


Okay. I know some of you are like 'WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!' Well,I was sick! I had a fever and tonsillitis,so I was very out of it. And I'm very very sorry the chapters have been recently short! I haven't had the motivation to write because of how i was feeling. But I'm better now,and back with writing! Thank you for waiting so long. -Potato

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