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You let out a tired sigh as Frisk pulled you towards the metallic doors that led out of Alphys lab. G followed close behind,making sure not to lose sight of you both. He carried the supplies Alphys had given to you and Frisk to help with the pain if there was any,and to heal faster.

It had been a week since the incident,but Alphys recommended you and Frisk stayed a few more days just in case.

You had healed quickly,but not completely. Your arm was still sprained,and your head still throbbed for the most part if you didn't take the medicine you were given. Frisks wound on their for head was now just a bruise,and their nose somehow was not broken. But you weren't complaining.

"Slow down Frisk,there's no need to rush." They hopped with glee,excited to get back to Papyrus. And just to get out of the white room you were both kept in. Most of the time,it was silent there,besides when Alphys came around. Or G was there. He had practically stayed there the whole time. Until you finally got him to go home.

G chuckled as he slung the bag of medicine and other important things on like they were nothing. "Careful! I would like to have the stuff I need to survive in one piece okay?"

The three of you exited the lab,feeling the hot air hit your face instantly. "Uuugh." You groaned,not wanting to walk all the way back. "Wanna teleport?" G asked,coming to your side. "No,that'll make my head explode." You said,dragging your feet.

He shrugged,glancing at you before smirking. You took a step to the side away from him nervously. "That's not a good face. You should stop it." You spoke as G took a step closer. Frisk watched you both,a grin plastering their face. "Is there some kind of evil plan you two have?" You said,feeling uneasy. Frisk didn't know what G was about to do,but they just found it funny. You were about to run from G,but that was ruined when you were swept up into his arms,making you yell. Frisk snickered silently at your reaction.

G held you bridal style,making sure not to hurt your arm. You glared at him,turning your face away from him. He laughed,adjusting you to get comfortable before continuing to walk.

"Thanks.." You mumbled,a headache starting to grow from yelling. "Mhm." G hummed.

You decided to sleep on it,hopping you would wake up at the house. You closed your eyes,letting your head fall to the side. It was for the most part quiet. Which let you fall asleep faster. Sometime later,you managed to fall asleep.


G walked into the house,making sure to shut the door quietly. (Y/N) was still sleeping,and his arms hurt. Carrying you all the way back was work. No,he's not saying you're fat.

"Brother,are the-"Papyrus' head popped out of the kitchen,immediately stopping himself from being loud. G grinned at his brother,Frisk appearing from behind him and running towards Papyrus. Papyrus smiled wide,holding out his arms for Frisk to run into.

'I welcome you with open arms!'

A memory flashed through G's head,as the scenery changed just for a moment. Frisk ran into Paps arms,Papyrus bloating about how happy he was that they were alright. G only let out a huff,and took you upstairs. He walked to Papyrus' room,opening the door with his magic and walking in. After setting you down in your bed,he placed the medicine on the floor next to it and let out a tired sigh. 'Why do I even care about you?' He asked in his head.G asked that everyday in his head,especially since you were human.

Humans were no good,stuck up traitors.

So why did he think different about you? G left the room,shutting the door and going back downstairs to his brother.

-A Chance- (G!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now