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"Its been a little over a month.." You mumbled to yourself,sighing. You watched the snow falling slow and calmly,relaxing you.

It was cold,but you made sure to grab your jacket before you went outside. Two days. Two days since the nightmare and you haven't slept at all. You were exhausted. But you were scared. You'd dose off once or twice,but you were always awoken by some sort of noise. You sat on the steps of the skelebros house,bags under your eyes as you struggled to stay awake. You didn't know what time it was,but you were pretty sure it was around midnight.

No monsters were in sight,with barely any lights on. It was peaceful to you,and helped you relax your mind. You had made sure everyone else in the house was asleep before you left so you didn't have to worry anyone.

Though G had been watching you more than usual. If any of them asked if you were tired,you would just reply with a smile and say no. But you knew G was catching onto you. He would stick around you more,asking you if you were alright and would be staring at you questionably. You let out another sigh and hid your face in your hands. An image of Papyrus and Sans both towering over you,smirks on their faces flashed through your mind. You flinched,moving your hands and letting out a whimper.

You could never escape them..

"What are you doing out here?" You gasped,looking up. G stood there,his arms crossed with a stern look on his skull. You searched for something to say. "I-I just needed some air.." You stuttered,trailing off. G did not believe you for a second.

"Don't lie. We both know why you've been awake and its not healthy. You've lied to Frisk,Papyrus and me. You're trying hard to hide it,but the bags under your eyes show it. You cant hide it anymore. The dream you had is keeping you awake. I didn't say anything the first night because i thought you would've had some common sense to at least try to talk to me instead of holding it in."

G spoke,his tone flat. He stared down at you with disapproval. You turned away from him,letting out a huff. "I can handle this myself. Im not a kid." G grunted,crouching down to face you. You still didn't face him,not letting him get to you.

He then sighed,standing back up,taking your arm and pulling you up. You yelped,only to find your face buried into Gs sweater. He wrapped his arms around you,placing his skull on your head. "G..Let me go." You said,trying to push him with your right arm. He grunted again,only holding you tighter. "Come on. We both know somethings up sweetheart. And I won't stop asking until you tell me. Its eating you inside,I can tell." You shook your head. "I told you. I can handle this myself. Stop pushing me G." Finally,he let go of you,only to grab your hand. "Look at me (Y/N.) He said softly. You glanced at him with a straight face.

"G. Why wont you let me be? I ask that,but you don't listen! Do you really want to see me in pain?" You asked him. G looked taken back for a second before he shook his skull. "No (Y/N.) I don't. But I already know you are in pain,and all I want to do is help if you'd let me!"

His voice grew as he spoke,making you step back. "Im fine G! Stop pushing me damnit! All i want is to be left alone alright! I told you before,it was from the past! The past! And yet here you are trying to force it out of me when I'm not ready-no. I can't say anything! It wont help either way,I'll always remember. Its not like they can be erased. They'll always be here to remind me.."

You were so built up on telling G off,that you didn't notice your own shaking state. Your hands were balled into fists so hard ((͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) your knuckles were turning white. Your body was shaking and tears were in your eyes.

Your head fell as silence surrounded you both. You thought he had nothing to say,so you went to turn and go back inside. But of course,G stopped you by grabbing your hand and teleporting to his room. You were going to yell at him again,but stumbled from the lack of ground for the moment. Aaaand you were in another hug.

-A Chance- (G!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now