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You awoke with a small groan. "Whyyyy.." You mumbled,wishing you didn't wake up. You were having a good dream! You went to turn over when you felt something prevented you from doing so. You opened your eyes half way as they met with a familiar sweater. Your eyes widened more as you looked up,seeing G peacefully sleeping. Your hand was rested on his chest,and his arms were wrapped around your waist. Your face flushed light pink as you tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

But to no avail,he wouldn't budge. His grip was like iron. "G,wake up." You spoke,nudging him. You huffed when he didn't move a muscle. When did you even end up here? In his room? In his-oooh yeah. Last nights events flooded into your head. But you can't really recall G falling asleep with you.

"G,come on." You shook him lightly,hoping he would at least let you go. Yet again,nothing. "G! Wake up please." You looked up at his face again,seeing a small smile on his skull. His sockets were still closed,but you knew what he was doing now.

He was playing with you! You glared,huffing once more. That evil skeleton. A small smirk made its way on your face as you thought of something. You faked a defeated sigh,crossing your right arm over your left arm carefully. "Guess I'll just tell Papyrus you ate his special spaghetti he made."

That woke him up. His sockets opened up as he let go of you,his eyelights staring you down.

You giggled and rolled away from him. "You wouldn't dare." You raised a brow,sitting up. "I wouldn't?" He sat up as well,grunting. "No. Because I let you go." You shrugged and stretched. "Well,you wouldn't let me go the first ten times I said to." G rolled his eyelights. "You only said it like three times!" You grinned at him,standing up. "Alright. I wont tell." G sighed in relief,a grin appearing on his face after. He looked at your hair and snorted. "Bed head much?"


After that awakening,you left G to get ready for the day. The usual noises came from downstairs. Things clacking together and things sizzling. Papyrus and Frisk were always up early to make breakfast. You quickly entered Papyrus room,seeing the two perfectly made beds and your bags of clothes you still haven't put away.

You went over to them,grabbing your hair brush and any other hair related products. Then you got your clothes,which consisted of a black pair of jeans,a (F/C) and (SF/C) sweater and your undergarments. You made sure to lock the door before undressing,throwing your clothes next to the bags,and pulling on your fresh clothing.

After that,you fixed your hair(which took longer than usual because of your stupid arm),grabbed a pair of socks and your (F/C) converses,and left the room.

You walked downstairs,not hearing the usual chatter Papyrus and Frisk usually had. 'They're probably just tired.' You thought,sitting on the couch and putting on your socks and shoes.

You got up and went over to the kitchen,expecting to see two familiar faces. But instead,you only saw Papyrus,cooking happily. You tilted your head,confused on where Frisk was. "Hey Papyrus." You said,grabbing his attention. His head turned to you,the usual smile on his skull. "Hello human! Good morning!" He spoke cheerfully. You smiled. "Morning Papy. Have you seen Frisk?" You asked. Papyrus thought for a moment before shaking his skull. "Sorry,but the Great Papyrus hasn't seen the tiny human! When I awoke,they weren't in bed(but you weren't either) so I thought they just woke up earlier than usual! But I have not seen them since I went to bed!" You nodded slowly,a pang of worry growing in your stomach. "Maybe they are in the bathroom?" Papyrus suggested.

-A Chance- (G!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now