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"Chara..why did you do this?" Frisk asked the figure in their mind. Chara cackled,flipping his knife. "You already know Frisk. You know what you did. I just helped out! After you reset again,it got boring so I decided to have a little fun!" Frisk stared down at the ground,knowing what he was talking about.

"And I didn't plan on hurting little old (Y/N.) She just got in the way. But we both know she's a glitch,so getting rid of her just meant there would be no problems here!" Chara said in a cheerful tone.

"She is not a glitch Chara. The-" "Then what is she? There's no way she could've just appeared in the timeline and everyone know her. And she acts like she knows where shes going. You and me both know shes hiding something." Frisk bit their lip. They knew you were hiding something,but they could never figure it out. You'd just smile and say you wouldn't lie to them. Yet,you are.. "If she doesn't die,well,she'll break soon. Be happy it was only her. It could've been anyone else."


The sound of beeping rang in your ears. It was dark. Oh,maybe open your eyes. Duh. Your eyes cracked open,seeing that you were in Alphys lab once more. There wasn't any noise besides the beeping coming from beside you. You turned your head over,seeing a monitor.

It was attached to your arm. A few other things were connected to your chest and arms. Then you looked down. Oh yeah. So that happened.. Your whole stomach was wrapped with bandages. Your skin looked pale. There was no one in sight. What happened after you. Sorta died? You tried to sit up,but shut your mouth and held back a cry from the pain that surged through your body. You fell back,taking deep breaths. This was gonna be hard. You waited a few minutes,trying to calm down. Once there wasn't any more pain,you started to slowly sit up. There was a sting,but not as bad as before.

You brought your legs over the side of the bed and carefully slid off. You grabbed the monitors pole,keeping you from falling. Your legs wobbled from not being used for a while. You took a few more breaths before taking a step. Then another. And another,until you felt like you could walk again. Geez. How long were you out for? Slowly,you walked out of the small space and into the open halls. A few monitor pads fell off of you,but that wasn't anything you cared about.

Is it night? Wheres Frisk? G? Alphys? As you continued to walk,you started to hear feet scrambling towards you. You kept on going,thinking you were just hearing things.

Until you saw Alphys appear from a doorway with pajamas on and a tired face. Her eyes widened as she saw you awake. "(Y/N?!) O-oh my!" Quickly,she stumbled over to you,saying stuff a mile per second. You smiled,giggling. Shouldn't of done that. You stumbled back,groaning from the pain that came from your stomach. "W-we need t-to get you b-back i-in bed,you shouldn't e-even b-be up yet.." She spoke,taking slow steps with you. Alphys guided you back to the bed,making you lay back down. She reattached the pads and made sure everything was working.

"H-how long have y-you been awake?" She asked,grabbing a notebook and pen. "About ten minutes..where is Frisk?" You asked. Alphys stiffened. "T-they..d-do you n-not remember w-what they d-did to you?" You nodded. "I remember. But that wasn't Frisk. Where are they?" You asked once more. "(Y/N..) Frisk did do that. Who el-" "When I saw them,they had red eyes. Frisk has brown eyes. And after it happened,they dropped the knife. They cried for me to come back. Screamed that they were sorry. Something is going on with Frisk,and I will find out. They are my family. I don't care if they kill me a thousand times. I'll still love them."

-A Chance- (G!Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now