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Later that night, you decided to text Jonah.

To: Jonah🤤🤔

Y/N: Guess who was given the third degree right when they stepped in the door?

Jonah🤤🤔: awe, poor baby...what's the sentience?

Y/N: one full week of just coming home after school. No going over to friends...nada.

Jonah🤤🤔: 😏😏😏

Y/n: What?.....

Jonah didn't respond after that so you just plugged in your phone and and tried to get some sleep.

It was around one o'clock in the morning when you woke up Sweating. You must of had a nightmare. Since your bed was a little drenched (ew) you decided to get up and have a midnight snack.

you pulled out left over chipotle from the fridge and put it in the microwave.

While you ate, you were going through your laptop. You got a notification that "jackaverymusic" was streaming a live video on instagram. You clicked on it and there were soooo many people watching. Jack didn't notice that you joined though. It looked like Jack was there with Daniel as well on their bed.They had the comment "Ask us questions" pinned at the bottom of the screen.

You decided to comment. But, before you did, Daniel started talking about you.

"Yeah, Jonah had this girl over the other day right and I could tell that she was perfect for him. She got all of his jokes and-oh yeah jack, he did that thing that he never does like the-the"

"Goofy Grin thing!" they both said. You blushed. You remembered him making that face...when you said you'd go out with him...when you told him you loved him...

"Yeah guys, I've only seen Jonah do that twice in his life. When he got his new dog, and, when Selena Gomez liked his picture" said Jack. "Well actually three times now. Every time he talks about her."

"Yeah, they're for real" Daniel said in a really sassy voice.

You scrolled through the comments on the side and half of them were "Oh my god so cute!" And the other half were "No way, he's my man". You rolled your eyes.

You finally sent a question.

"What are you boys doing up so late?"

"Dude! Y/n just asked a question" Jack said surprised. "Ho ho ho, we could ask the same for you young lady...also, how long have you been here?"

"Oh, only for all of it" you replied.

"Hey" laughed Daniel. "It was like when we heard everything they were doing last night in his-"

"DANIEL" you heard Jonah interrupt. You felt your face go red. Thank god Joanh was had no idea how far Daniel would've taken that conversation.

The comments were going crazy with crying emojis and "yassss" and "I need someone to get me a bible and some holy water".

"Thanks Dani" you sent.

"Sorry..." he said, reading your comment.

You then got a text form Jonah.

Jonah🤤🤔: Hey, sorry about Daniel...what are you doing up though? Couldn't sleep?

Y/n: yeah...tell Daniel I forgive him. Also, why aren't you in the live were most of the reason why I wanted to watch it. I wanted to see you.

Right when you sent that, you herd on your laptop where they were still live-streaming, "Ooh Jonah who ya textin? Cause you be makin that goof."

You were making Jonah smile and it made you feel really warm inside.

"That 'goof'?" Said Jack. "You know what I meant" said Daniel.

You heard a bunch of background noise and suddenly, Jonah appeared in the corner of the screen.

"Oh yeah" said Daniel.

Oh no, you thought.

"Corbyn is gonna need Christina's spare clothes back."

"DANIEL!" Screamed Jonah and what sounded like Corbyn.


By now, the comments were going out of control.

"Why dont we," Jack paused and winked at the camera, "change the subject."

"Lets" you comment.

You texted Jonah as you watched the live. He was sitting on the bed now and every time you sent him something, his face lit up, which made your face light up too.

By the time that they finished the video, it was around three o'clock in the morning.

"Wow" you said to yourself. "Did I really just sit here? For three whole hours? Watching my boyfriend literally do nothing?" You closed your laptop and walked back into your room. You got back underneath your covers and fell asleep.

The next morning, you woke up and just sat in your bed. You pulled out your phone and you noticed you got a Snapchat from Jonah.

What it was:

You Swiped to the left to text him

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You Swiped to the left to text him.

Y/N: you know I cant...grounded remember?

He didn't respond.

You rolled your eyes as you rolled yourself to the other side of your bed.

A few minutes later, the door bell rang. You yelled "I'll get it" to your mom who was still in her room.

You went downstairs and opened the door.


He leaned over and brought you into a tight embrace. You hugged back and took a deep breath. You could smell his cologne and it made you feel so good inside. It felt like you hadn't seen him in person in forever...even though you had seen him at the beginning of the day yesterday.

Once you both pulled out of your embrace, you looked up at Jonah.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" You asked. He smiled at you.
"You might be grounded from leaving your house....I'm not."

He leaned his head down and kissed you. You missed kissing him.

You then jumped up and he caught your legs so each one was at each of his sides

Jonah brought you both into your room, closed, and locked the door.

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