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You, Jonah and Jack run as fast as you guys can over to Mindy. When you reach her, she looks like she's having a mental breakdown.

"Hey, are you oka-"

"What the hell Jack?!" She screamed pushing him off of her.

Jack looked down at his hands, clenching his teeth.

"Do you know how long I've obsessed over you? How many hours I've spent on edits for you? How many classes and exams I've failed for you? Do you know how much this hurts?"

Her eyes were swelling up with tears when Jack was about to say something.

"Listen" he said. You decided to cut in.

"Excuse me" you say. "Honey, you need to step back a bit. That was YOUR choice to 'obsses' over him. YOUR desicion to put time and effort into making things for him. YOUR fault for not taking time for yourself to make you a better scholar. Now, you cant blame this on him okay? You're in Jacks 'lane' I'm guessing?" She nods weakly. "If you're really his fan, you'd want him to be happy. You do want him to be happy don't you?" Mindy took a deep breath.

"Yeah...but not with a hoe".

Jack wounded up his arm ready to punch when Jonah stepped in from of him, reminding him where they were.

"Excuse me" you said. "I don't like your language." You snap for security to come over to take her out. When her and her mom where being escorted, you leaned over and whispered,

"If any of this get's'll see everything that I'm capable of."

When Mindy was finally gone, you turned to Jack who looked like a mess. He looked at you. He ran over and hugged you.

"What's the big deal man?" You said jokingly. Jack let go.

"I-I didn't do anything...I didn't say anything....all I could think was 'shut up or I'll make you'. You were amazing y/n. Oh my god."

Just then, Allie came over. You guys informed her of everything and then you all decided that it was a good time to go back to the hotel and call it a night.

You and Jonah went to your room and the boys went to their room. Jack and Allie went and stayed in the lobby though.

You and Jonah flopped on the bed.

"Tonight was awful" you said. Jonah didn't say anything back.

"Are you okay?" You said looking up at him. He still didn't respond. You sat up and looked at his face. his eyes looked a little swollen. You started to rub his chest.

"It really is nothing" he said. "I always get like this when we're preform for a long period. It's just being overwhelmed and having anxiety and stuff. It's nothing big."

You leaned over and kissed his lips. You guys hadn't been passionate since you anniversary. It had all been, "How was the show" and then going to sleep. It was so refreshing to kiss him again.

He put his hand up and kissed you back.

"I might know something that will relive all of this stress" you said. Jonah smiled his sexy smile and pulled you around so you were on top of him. You guys were making out and things were getting pretty heated.

Jonah put his arm up your shirt. Before he could ask you said, "of course it's okay" and you guys proceeded.

Before you could even think, Jonah was thrusting himself in and out of you. Since you remembered there were sound proof walls, you went to town. You were moaning so loudly and you were grabbing the bedsheets. You started screaming a little too. It felt terrific.

You put your hand on Jonahs big, sweaty chest to make him stop for a second.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Do you think Jack and Allie are okay?" You asked out of breath.

"I don't know, why?"

It was hard for the both of you to talk. You were both literally gasping for air. Sex was like, the best way to burn calories.

"I just thought of them for some reason...Jack was ready to like, get physical with that girl when she called Allie a hoe. Has he always been so protective?" You didn't even know why you were asking him this.

"I don't know...I mean, that's not one of the top things that I'm thinking of right now" he says back, slowly starting again. You moaned and decided to drop the conversation.

When you finished, you both took a shower and got in bed.

It was past one when you guys heard a knock. You got up and opened it.

"Allie?" You whispered. "What are you doing?"

She had tears in her eyes. You noticed Jack behind her looking sad as well.

"Look at what they're saying about me" she said, letting a few tears roll down her cheeks.

You looked at Jack and he looked away. Allie held up her phone, reveling not only the picture that you said not to post but literally every single mean comment that was out there...was tagged under her name.

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