Common Sense

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"What the hell Daniel?!" You almost scream. "Why the fuck would you put rubber bands around a water melon until it popped in a very expensive hotel room? Are you just inane? Like do you not think before you do things?"

Daniel looked at all the mess and said "Zach was the one who dared me to do it."

"How is it that you even have a water Mellon?" Asked Jonah. "Oh please" Jack cut in. "This is Daniel we're talking about."

"Well then" you said with a sigh. "I guess we should go and get something to clean all of this up with". Just then though, there was someone at the door. It was a maid.

"Shit" you heard someone say. "What is this?" Asked the maid sounding horrified. "It's watermellon...these guys here thought it would be a good idea to try and pop it". You pointed at Daniel, Jack, Zach, and Corbyn.

"Listen," said Daniel. "I'll celan this up. It was my fault, I should do it."

"No no no" said the maid sounding agitated. "You boys must find a different room. I get paid for this. I'll clean it up."

the boys slumped their shoulders and looked over to you and Jonah.

"Pleasseeeee" Zach started.

"No!" Said Jonah. "We only have one bed!"

"We can sleep on the floor" said Corbyn. "Yeah and you know David doesn't want us to spend any extra money of we don't have to" said Zach.

Jonah then turned to you. "How bout it y/n" he said with a sigh. You rolled your eyes and reluctantly agreed.

You all then went into your hotel room and the boys got extra blankets from the lobby. They set up camp around your bed and layed down. They were all on their phones snap chatting about what just happened.

You and Jonah were still cuddled in bed when Jonah looked down to you. "I'm sorry this is how we're spending our night."

"It's okay.." you said. "I honestly don't mind them being here. They've become brothers."

"AWWW" corbyn said. You blushed because you thought only Jonah heard you. "You know, we think of you as a sibling too" said Daniel. You were an only child and you never had brothers or sisters. It was always kind of lonely. But to hear them say that they think of you the same way, it was like you had a whole other family. Another group of people to love who loved you back.

The next morning, you and Jonah got up and went down to the lobby to get some breakfast. They had a nice buffet. Since the boys were still sleeping, you and Jonah wanted to get a little alone time. You picked up a blueberry muffin and a banana  and Jonah just got some coffee.

"Happy anniversary" You say as you clink your muffin to Jonah's coffee mug. He smiles his goofy smile at you and you cant help but smile back.

"Coffee? That's it? Aren't you hungry?" You say as you take a bite out of your muffin.

"Coffee is all I need to get my day started" he said back with a grin. You guys decided to find a seat. Once you sat down, all the boys walked out of the elevator.

"See, I told you they'd be down here" said Jack. They all ran over to your and Jonah's table.

"What is it?" Asked Jonah. "Bro" said Corbyn, "when we woke up, you guys weren't in the room so we went looking for you."

"Yeah" said Daniel. "We just found out this place has a pool! We're all in our bathing suits and we brought both of yours down. Here" he said throwing them to us.

"We have like three hours before we have to get ready so common, it'll be fun" said Zach.

You and Jonah agreed and went to go put on your bathing suits.

What your bathing suit looked like:

You picked it out and bought it for this week

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You picked it out and bought it for this week. You were kind of relieved that the boys invited you and Jonah to swim. You really wanted to Joana see you in it.

You got out of the bathroom and caught Jonah's eye.

"Hey good you doin?" He said seductively. You let out a giggle. You guys locked hands and walked down to the lobby where the boys were waiting. You both smiled and they stood up and you all went to the pool.

The guys took off their shirts and Jack went to feel the water with his foot. Zach ran over to him and pushed him in.

"What the fuck bro?!" Jack yelled as he resurfaced. He then came running out of the water and chased after Zach. Zach turned to run but slipped and couldn't get away. Jack pulled him into a wet bear hug and ran over to the water and jumped in with Zach still in his arms. The splash reached Daniel who was getting into the hot tube.

"Wanna join?" He said in sarcastic sassy voice to Corbyn. Corbyn went over and put his feet in.

"We'll come in too" you say as you take Jonah with you in the direction of the hut tub.

"No you wont!" You hear from behind you. Before you could turn around, you felt wet arms around your waist. Before you could even think, you were fully submerged in the water of the pool. You bring your head back up and see Jack and Zach laughing at you.

"K, which one of you pricks want to die?" You said in a jokingly angry voice. The boys then ran out of the pool room and you got out of the water.

"Where do you think they're going?" You ask as Jonah gives you a towel.

"Probably gonna go hide out for a little bit. Gonna make sure that threat wasn't legit."

You rolled your eyes as you joined the guys in the hot tub.

"It's fucking Antartica in that pool compared to this" you say as you sit back a little, starting to relax. The bubbles were on so Corbyn and Daniel didn't notice Jonah's hand on your leg...moving up and down your thigh and reaching towards your bathing suit bottoms.

"So, what's the plan for you guys tonight hmm? Two months is a big deal. I remember mine with Christina like it was yesterday." Said Corbyn. Jonah looked at him, his hand still on you, now in a little more intamite place.

"I didn't really plan anything except I did rent a movie for us to watch and I got you a little something." Jonah said. You smiled. You were fine with not going anywhere or really doing anything. You just wanted to be with him. That was enough for you.

"I have something for you too" you said with a wink.

"Ooooo you gonna get a little frisky tonight?" Daniel teased. "We do have sound proofed walls."

"Not sound proof enough" you shot back. Jonah raised both of his eyebrows at that and smiled a little bit in shock.

You did have an actual present for Jonah though. It was this black hoodie from the brand "off white" that he said he really wanted. It was extremely exspenesive but it was worth it for Jonah.

You guys decided to get out of the tub since it was getting a little late and the car would be there to pick you all up in about an hour or so. When you guys went into the lobby you saw Jack and Zach sitting at a table in the buffet area with two other girls. They were really pretty. One of them had long blonde hair that was in a ponytail and the other had short chestnut hair that she had in Dutch braids. The blonde one was wearing a Why Don't We sweatshirt.

"Fans" Corbyn said. You nodded and walked over to them to retrieve Jack and Zach. The girls looked up immediately and put a jealous look on their face. You forgot you were still wearing your bathing suit. Your very revealing bathing suit.

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