Back To School

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Your passionate weekend had come to a close and it was soon Monday. You woke up, took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast and left for school. Except this time, Jonah was waiting for you in his car in your driveway.

It's not that you didn't have your drivers license, you just only had one car. Your mom needed that car to get to work though, so, you were always stuck taking the gross, smelly, overcrowded buss.

Now that Jonah was in the picture, he offered to take you to and from school everyday. You couldn't thank him enough.

(What you were wearing):

You walked outside to see that Jonah was leaning on his car, waiting for you

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You walked outside to see that Jonah was leaning on his car, waiting for you.

"Damn...I'm really liking that outfit" he said as he looked you over.

You walked over to him and pulled him into a very passionate kiss.

With his head still in your hands he asked in a deep, smooth voice, "what was that for"

"For making me feel good about myself" you said.

"Well, isn't that what boyfriends are for?" He asked


Just that word alone made you crazy. The fact that he said it though, made chills of pleasure rush all the way down your spine.

Jonah opened the door for you and helped you in, then he went over to his side and started the car.

You guys walked into school with your hands locked. You noticed that people started looking at the two of you. Conversations stopped and you could feel eyes all over you. But, this time, you didn't want them to be.

When you reached your class, Jonah gave you a quick kiss on the cheeck and hugged you.

"Have a good first official day!" You call as Jonah starts walking down the hallway.

When you sat down at your desk, a bunch of girls who you had never talked to before, flocked over to you.

They started asking questions like, how did Jonah and I get together, does he love me, do I love him, is it too early to tell, have we kissed yet, where do you see this going and blah blah blah blah.

You weren't really answering any of the questions until one girl asked,

"Do you just like him because he's famous?"

You were so appalled at this question and, you guessed that they caught the hint through your facial expression. Some of the girls told her to back off and that her question was wrong. You just kind of sat there with your mouth open.

"Well?" Said the girl.

"You know what?" You said. " why don't you go away now. All of you."

The rest of the day was tough for you. People would crowd and sneak pictures and attack you with questions. You started to get really annoyed with it.

You then thought about Jonah and how all of this attention would be 10x worse for him.

When the final bell rang,  you walked out into the parking lot and got into Jonahs car. Jonah was already waiting for you and when you got in, he pulled you close and started kissing your neck.

He then started to talk in between kisses

"So         how was       your day."

You looked up at the ceiling of his car, not being able to think straight. His lips felt so good on your body.

"Umm uh it was fine" you were able to say.

Jonah could tell he was getting you aroused so he stopped to tease you a little bit.

he then started his car and saturated to drive you home.

On the way home, a question that you were dying to ask him all day finally came out.

"So...uh Jonah...what do you do for work?"

Jonah took in a deep breath and sighed.

"Well, if you must know," he said, " I moved here because I'm now apart of this band with my four other friends, Zach, Corbyn, Daniel, and Jack. Our band is called Why Don't We and, I guess you could call us a boy band."

Your heart kind of jumped a little. A boy band? My boyfriend is in a well known boy band?  The only thing you were skeptical about was that...if he was in a boy band...most of his fans were horny teenage girls....

"Anyways, since I wanted to finish school, I tried looking at a bunch of different options. This school was the only one that didn't have the students jump on me right when I walked in through the doors."

"Jonah" you say, "if you wanted to finish school, why didn't you just do it online?"

"Well, I kind of wanted the get the full high school experience...sounds cheesy, I know. But hey, if I enlisted online, I would have never met you."

You smiled very wide at that and couldn't stop blushing. Jonah took your hand and kissed it softly.

When you got to your house, Jonah was just going to drop you off. Your mom had a rule of no guys in the house while she was gone but then was she going to know.

"Do you wanna come in?" You asked.

Jonah pulled his car around and parked it int the back of your house. You lead him to your room and informed him on your mom's rule. You guys just agreed that you were going to do homework.

You were on your stomach while Jonah was sitting next to your legs with his back up against the headboard.

"Ugh" You said


"Sometimes I get this pain on my back, it usually goes away when I sit on my stomach but it's being stubborn."

"Here, let me help." Jonah then put his hands deep into your back. It felt so good. Damn, was this kid a masseuse too?

You started to moan a little bit as he went deeper and deeper into you.

"Why don't we take this off baby" be said referring to my jean jacket. He took it off, along with your shirt and what was only left was your bra. He unhooked it but kept it on you. The back of the bra on both of your sides.

He then brought his hands all over you and it made you feel so much pleasure. He worked his way from your shoulders to your middle all the way to your lower back.

"Are you feeling any better baby" He asked in a deep voice.

"Don't stop....not yet" you said out of breath and trembling.

The truth was that you were feeling better, you just didn't want it to be over.

After a good half hour of this, you only felt one hand on your back. You looked over your shoulder and realized he Jonah was pleasuring himself too.

You didn't know whether to be disgusted or turned on. You just decided to ignore it and enjoy the massage.

Soon enough, you felt Jonah's hand get a little shaky. You realized he was ready to finish himself. You then said something that you didn't even think about before you said it.

"Do it on my back baby" You said.

"Wha-are you sure?" Said Jonah concerned.

"Yes" you nodded quickly.

You soon felt a warm substance rush up on your back. It sent a rushing feeling all the way down your spine.

You then sat up and let your bra slide off of your front. You then crawled slowly over to where Jonah was and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"So" Jonah said. 

"Did you finish your homework?"

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