Awkward Situations

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What does one say to the people you previously abused? Apologies were useless and Ren was not sure if he could even apologize with any sincerity. Besides FN2187 and Dameron would easily do to him what he had done to them, he felt it.

FN2187 shifted his weight uncomfortably looking at Rey, eyes wide and full of disgust. "Why did you bring him here?"

Now that is a good question.

"He was in trouble and needed help. So I helped him." Rey shrugged blowing off the ex-stormtrooper's concern.

"Help?" FN2187 raised his voice then lowered it again. "Are you trying to get us all killed?!"

"Wait. Time out." Poe interrupted lifting a hand towards Rey and Finn. "He." He point a finger at Kylo not taking his eyes off Rey. "The leader of the First Order needs help?"

"He tried to kill us multiple times, almost split me in two, and tortured Poe!" FN2187 was livid. "He murdered Han in front of us, Rey, it was at his command that Leia was killed. We can't trust him."

Kylo shot them a deadly glare, he had half a mind to choke them both, but did not on account of Rey's presence. "I did not kill my mother."

Ren took a step towards the pilot and Poe met him by closing the gap. "You know what you're right. You didn't kill Leia because she ceased to be your mother when you betrayed everyone and abandoned her!"

"Stop it!" Rey slid between the men. "We need to help each other. We can't do that if you keep bickering!" Poe turned and walked away rubbing a  hand through his hair in frustration.
"Just get us to Ach-To."

The two men left abruptly as Rey grabbed Kylo's arm and helped him to the couch that curved around a table he knew all to well. He hated this ship. Everything about this flying piece of junk made him sick. The walls. The memories. The people. The situation. All of it.

Rey had retrieved a med-kit and was back at his side, but he shook his head. "Leave me."

"Ben, let me help you."

"I don't need your help."


Ren stood gingerly and made his way to one of the chambers on the ship that had space to rest.

What does she want with me?

If change is what she wanted, she would be disappointed. It was too late for him to change what he had done and become over the years.

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Ach-To was a cold rouged island. He never imagined that he would stand on the place that had haunted his dreams for so long. The island that they had shared together in visions, the island where Rey had confided in him her findings. Perhaps he would find something here to help him fulfill his plans and destroy his enemies. To bring order to the galaxy. To make Rey turn.

"Oh my gosh."

Kylo Ren looked over his shoulder seeing what had made the exclamation. The short human had her black hair pulled back messily, FN2187 appeared behind her and shot him a glare.

"Finn! I didn't believe you when you said he...he was here but look at him!"

"Rose." Finn pulled her to the side and they continued their conversation in hushed tones.

I wouldn't believe I was here either.

Picking a path Kylo set off to see what he would discover. He soon found himself among several stone huts that were ancient in age. One of the huts was set higher than the others the door was at first appearance similar to the others but on closer inspection Ren discovered it was a panel from an X-Wing.

This must be Skywalker's.

Opening the crude door he stepped into the small hut. A stone bed was built into the wall as were several shelves. Ren was not sure what he expected to find but this was not what he thought he'd find.

He examined the robes that were carefully folded and placed neatly where they belonged. Everything seemed to have a place. On the shelf closest to him he saw a unique compass, other ancient looking artifacts, then looking up slightly he saw it. The necklace Luke had worn almost every day hung from a hook embedded in the wall. The necklace served to keep track of the ancient sith kyber crystal that dangled from the end of the cord.

Suddenly, he was reminded of his own kyber crystal. How it had changed and morphed like he had. How it bled so violently he was forced to find a solution to vent the saber enough so it would not explode. How it had burned him. How many times he had used it for both the light and the dark.

Where was it?

He could not remember. Had Quillon taken it? Maybe Rey had it hidden away somewhere? Ren shook his head slightly, frustrated by it all.

I'm sure I'll find it soon enough.'ll find me.

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Note: Hey everyone! I decided to go ahead and post this real quick even though it's a little short. I have been sick over the past few days and have not been able to write a whole lot.

Another part will come soon! Thank you for continuing to read! :) It really means a lot to me.

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