A New Order

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The weeks following the battle on the mineral planet Crait had consisted of rebuilding the First Order, just as the newly formed Rebellion was surely doing. This process had taken them to the edge of the outer rim. Rey and the rebels had fled to the outer rim, to where exactly Ren was unsure, but they needed to end this.

The First Order had officially taken over the galaxy but it was a fragile thing, order. Unrest was felt throughout the planets. Within governments adjusting to the new regime and within the First Order itself. Kylo Ren could sense that many of the leaders within the Order were uncertain of his leadership. Some were unsure about the tale of Snoke's demise but none voiced as much in Kylo Ren's presence but he sensed it nonetheless.

Kylo Ren stared into the emptiness of space as they descended out of lightspeed. The Outer Rim was the last charted region before you journeyed into the unknown wilds of space. This region was home to a few planets of which only some had any form of civilization.



The outer rim was used to such things. It harbored the lost and the lonely. The scoundrels and smugglers. The people and creatures of the world that were forever alone. The monsters.

He was a monster.

Suddenly, he felt the silence that only came with...her. He turned and saw the shape of her. Of Rey. She did not turn around and meet his gaze and he had nothing to say. What was there to say? She had abandoned him on the Supremacy. They had defeated Snoke and the guards and he had offered to rebuild the entire galaxy with her and she did not care. She could not see what he wanted. She had not let go of the old ways of the past. Now he was stuck where he had been before, for he could not rebuild without her.

Rey turned and met his gaze. She had that same look in her eyes. Not from the forest. No. From Crait. Pure disappointment.

That Ben could not stand. Life would be easier, more tolerable, if she would just tell him what he needed to hear.

That he was a monster.

A monster that was not worthy of redemption.

She needed to say it so he could become the monster he needed to be without her.

Her attention was pulled somewhere else and their connection had severed itself once again.


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