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Warning ~ This chapter may contain mature-ish content. {It's mostly fluff. Please forgive me -runs away-}

Rey stood before him, eyes soft and wide, her steps were measured as she brought herself closer to him. She was right in front of him now, her head tilted up to look at him and a hand pressed on his chest. Her eyes were filled with a hunger he had never seen before. It was as if she needed something from him urgently.

"Ben." Her breath was heavier than normal and her voice rasped softly.

"Yes sunshine?" What he had intended to fully speak had unintentionally come out as a whisper.

Standing on her tiptoes Rey wrapped one arm around his neck and traced the lines of his face tenderly with her free hand. "I need..." She bit her lower lip and glanced away from his eyes for a moment.

Unable to control himself a foolish grin grew curled on his lips. "You need what? Tell me."

"You." She looked up at him again, eyes intensely piercing his own.

He could feel her energy growing, her heart was beating so fast he thought it might jump out of her chest. Not that his was in a better state. "You already have me sweetheart."

Rey shook her head, before he could say anything more and break the mood she kissed him slowly. He tensed then relaxed kissing her back. Closing his eyes he kissed her again and again. Deeply, passionately, moving his hands to her waist he picked her up and let her wrap her legs around him.

Her hands found their way to his head, her fingers raking through his hair. His heart beat in time with hers. Taking a few steps forward he braced her against a wall, freeing his hands. Moving them up he found the small of her back, the curves of her sides, her breasts, he peppered light breathless kisses on her neck, cheeks, nose, and lips.

Sighing heavily Ben stretched as he sat up in the bunk. His forehead damp with sweat. Rey had insisted he get some form of sleep, real rest. For once sleep had found him swiftly, nightmares were kept at bay. Peace. And for once Ben found himself wishing he was still asleep and for his dreams to entrap him once more. Shaking his head he let the wave of inexplicable warmth fade into the harsh cold that was reality. His dreams, his fantasies, were just that. Perhaps under different circumstances...


Standing he brushed his hands through his hair, which was most certainly pointing in eight different directions. Feeling mildly more presentable Ben made his way to the cockpit and took his father's seat. Looking over the monitors he saw they were a few hours still from their predetermined destination. Letting out a long sigh he crossed his legs in the chair, a tight fit but he did not care, closing his eyes he began to meditate. Centering himself.

Years had passed since he had last opened himself fully to the force. Joining Snoke and the First Order had drawn his focus to another side of the force. The supreme leader from the unknown regions had encouraged Ben to focus on both sides of the ever changing force but he had pushed Ben closer to the dark than the light. Attempting to snuff it out. Now he was free and so it was time to open himself up to the force entirely. A prospect that terrified him.
The force was unpredictable, ever changing, it had respect from him long ago but since the event on Ach-To it had earned his fear.

Taking another drawn out breath he let the walls that surrounded the boundaries of his mind crumble. With each wall that fell his mind wandered more. To his father. His mother. Luke teaching him to mediate peacefully. Luke's betrayal. Snoke's grip on his mind and his future. Peace. Quiet. Stillness. Rey.

The ever infuriating scavenger. He cringed inwardly at everything that had occurred for them to meet. To be here. He did not deserve her affection. Rey deserved much better than the broken... thing that was Ben Solo. Mind spiraling further down the slippery slope of his subconscious thoughts, Ben found himself wondering if they would have met under different circumstances. If he had stayed with Luke. If Snoke had not crawled out of the slimy dark hole from unknown space. Would they have met?

He imagined Han finding his long lost junk heap of a ship and Rey as well. Bringing them both back home on Chandrila where he and his mother would insist Ben visit them sooner rather than later. Insist? No demand. His parents gave only orders. Ben would have helped her discover her past, her force sensitivities, and teach her. Perhaps teaching would turn into something else. Intimate.


Ben cursed at himself for letting his mind wander. Sighing he opened his eyes and watched the mesmerizing streaks of hyperspace through the window of the cockpit. There was no sense in even attempting to mediate. At least not now with his mind drifting to-

"Rey." Ben was slightly taken aback by, what seemed sudden, appearance.

"Yes? That's me? But what does that have to do with how far out we are?" She asked puzzled. "Are you alright Ben?"

Realizing he had yet to uncross his legs, he quickly repositioned himself. Scanning over the control panel he attempted to reply as nonchalantly as possible. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just wish we had fueled up before rushing this dump back into space." A very slight grin grew at the corners of his mouth. "Still a few hours out."

Few hours to sit in silence with her. A few hours until another uncomfortable meeting. Kriff. How do I do this to myself?

——><—— ——><——

Good evening! (Least it was late at night when I posted this!) Life has been... well... life. You know the thing that gets in the way of writing on occasion. 🙃 Wish I had more for you but I am excited for the next chapter!!!
As always I super appreciate all of your support, votes, and comments!!

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