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Groaning Ben sat up and stretched, muscles tight from a night spent on the cramped couch. Twisting his back tensed before letting go with a crack releasing a wave of relief. Despite its size the couch had given him one of the best nights sleep he had ever had. The First Order was not known for keeping those amongst their ranks particularly comfortable.

Still better than hanging off a bed.

Getting to his feet he glanced over at Rey's sleeping form. Her hair, normally pulled back, was going in ten different directions. One arm wrapped tightly around a pillow the other under her head, while her legs were splayed in different directions. A grin crept onto his face. Shaking his head he turned his attention to his own hair. The now dark brown mop had developed overnight and was definitely pointing in at least eight different directions some of which he was sure defied the laws of gravity. Mildly annoyed he quietly rummaged through the different draws and found a brush.

Thank the maker.

Ben brushed his hair expertly into a frazzle-less, more appropriate and orderly state before slipping his shirt and vest back on. Walking over to the door he stared at it and was about to open it when Rey sat up. His shoulders tensed, heat rose to his cheeks, surely if he told her what had happened that night she would not believe him...would she?

"Ben?" She asked with a yawn, hair cascading to her shoulders in a ruffled mess. "What are you-"

"Leaving." He said abruptly, too abrupt he realized. "To get...breakfast. Yeah..." Cringing at his own awkwardness he pressed the button, slipping out into the hallway when it opened.

Stupid. Breakfast. Kriffing. Kill me now.

The urge to punch, blast, rip apart something anything surged through him. Heat radiating down to his clenched fists. It was all Lando's fault, he should have known better. How many times had his father told him wild tales about Lando Calrissian's antics and escapades. Unfortunately, killing was not an option at the moment. Something to hit then, preferably his uncle.

"Wasn't that Rey's room?"

Great. This is just perfect.

Stopping abruptly Ben turned his head to the side and stared, angrily, at Poe Dameron. He had impeccable timing it seemed as he just happened to be leaving his quarters as Ben was walking past. Clenching his jaw, Ben thought about saying something like "our room" or "two people can share a bed" the pilot did not need to know the details.

And then, before he could speak, Rey came up behind him with the blaster Lando had given him the night before.

"Ben! I don't know why you're running off but you forgot this on the table."

Forcing his shoulders to relax he turned and faced the little resistance hero who was still in her sleep attire and took the blaster and holstered it. "I...thanks."


Poe raised an incredulous eyebrow at Ben as Rey casually walked back to her room. "Did you two?"


"But then why-"

"You are dangerously close to being punched, Dameron."

Raising his hands Poe simply shook his head and turned down the hallway past the irritated Solo. Fists still clenched tight Ben continued down the hall, his right fist had an appointment with Calrissian's face.

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