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"Rose! Get the Falcon ready to go. Finn help her." FN-2187 was mid protest when the pilot barked orders at him yet again. A small orange and white BB unit followed at Finn's heels beeping wildly. The pilot shot a few rounds of blaster fire at the Tie Fighters, which of course had little to no effect on the aircraft.

Rey ignited her blue light saber as they ran meeting him just outside of the falcon. Kylo stood beside her and looked down at the pilot glancing at his weapon of choice: a blaster. Of course he would favor a one handed compact blaster just like his father had once favored. Kylo never understood why someone would like such a primitive weapon. Messy and easy to master. Very few used sabers anymore and they were hard to come by ever since the Empire had all but used up the resource to power the Death Star.

"We need to leave now."

"Poe, help the others get the Falcon going I'll stay with Ben and hold them off."

Before Poe could argue back a horrible noise came from the Falcon, Kylo inwardly cringed at the sound as Rey sprinted into the ship. The two men did not have time to say anything before bright green blasts came for them. Thinking quickly Kylo sprinted to a more defensible position Poe at his heels. Thinking over the scenario they were in Ren instinctively grabbed for his own saber then cursed remembering it was gone. Reaching out with the force he searched for the fighters and the transports, sensing where they were and how many were with them.


They were playing with him, surely, sending a mere trooper after them. Phasma was no ordinary trooper but she was nothing compared to the Knights of Ren. Did they think him weak? They had broken his body but not his ability to wield the force and he could deal just as much damage with or without his saber. As the transport began to land the Tie Fighters shot at the men and the Falcon hitting it once. Cursing under his breath Ren turned to Poe.

"Give me a blaster."

Poe looked at Kylo Ren like he had spoke in an entirely different language.

"Do it!" Ren growled pleading with his former prisoner. He hated begging.

"I heard you the first time." Poe replied shooting at their enemy. "You're not getting one."

Standing Ren reached out and stopped two blasts from a fighter that would have taken out the Falcon and pushed them back at two of the aircrafts obliterating them. Sweat dripped down face, maybe the torture he'd endured had taken an effect on his strength to use the force, at least temporarily. Looking out at the transport he watched as several stormtroopers and Captain Phasma marched forward.

Damn it. Where's Chewie?

The Falcon was nowhere near ready for flight. Chewbacca would have had it ready to escape already, what was taking the three of them so long? He had not thought about the Wookie in a long time and suddenly realized how strange the thought was to him. Ren shook his head slightly shaking away the thoughts. It didn't matter now they just needed to leave. Dodging rapid fire he crouched beside Poe having had enough of his attitude.

"Give me a blaster, I won't ask again."

"You haven't exactly asked and-" He stood and took a few shots at a group of troopers taking out one of the flamethrowers before continuing. "Even if you did ask you're not crazy enough to think I'd just hand it ov-"

Before he could finish Kylo had found Poe's extra blaster resting behind his back and force pulled it to his own hand. "At least I tried."

Han had taught Ben how to use a blaster the second he could walk and would often joke that he was the best shot in the galaxy besides himself. The blaster Ren held now was merely a newer model of the one he had been given by his father. The best times he had remembered with his father had involved shooting targets. As he stood he used his force abilities to predict movements of the troopers and shot four of them quickly dropping them to the ground.

He sensed Poe's equal parts anger and amazement and grinned ever so slightly. The disgruntled Poe moved behind him covering his back and taking out multiple enemies himself.

"I still hate you."

Taking out another set of troopers Kylo replied, "Hate is a strong word."

Soon they had taken out all except two Tie Fighters, a few elite troopers, and Phasma herself. Sighing heavily Ren assessed the situation and then searched for Rey. It was almost ready. Almost wasn't soon enough.

"The traitor with the same pilot FN-2187 left with. You are full of surprises." Phasma enjoyed talking almost as much as she enjoyed living through unlivable circumstances. Her survival of the destruction of the Supremacy had even come to Kylo Ren's surprise.

"How are you still in one piece?" Poe spoke sarcastically, "Do they have clones of you somewhere laying around or did they just piece you back together?"

Before anyone could react the Falcon lifted from the ground and took out the remaining Tie Fighters. Phasma barked orders to go back to the transport. Kylo and Poe took the opportunity to fire in the elite troopers and took two out while one was injured in the leg after boarding the transport. Phasma had already disappeared into the craft and had it off the ground.

Whoever was manning the gun in the Falcon missed their shot and took out one of the wings of the First Order Transport careening it out of control into the ocean below the cliffs. Ren followed Poe to the Falcon and boarded it. Ren sprinted to the cockpit and looked down at Rey and Rose.

"Jump to light speed now."

"But we can-" Rose began.

"Now! Anywhere jump twice." Ren snapped, "They are locked onto the Falcon the rest of the fleet will be here in moments if we jump once they'll just meet us there seconds later. If we jump twice or more as quickly as we can they can't stay locked onto us. It'll buy us some time to do whatever your plan is." Within seconds Rose had the Falcon at the light speed to what used to be Alderaan before jumping to the outer rim where a small desert planet came into view.

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Note ~

Hey everyone! I've had life interferences but here is a fun little part for y'all to enjoy. :) I am going to try and get back into the groove of posting once a week instead of every two. Hopefully my animals can keep it together and not distract me too much! Hope y'all are all doing well! :)

Let me know what you think about Ren and Poe's interactions. I am hoping to get Ren and Rey together here soon once Ren gets his crap all figured out. 🤞🏻

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