Chapter 13

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Tomorrow is Taehyung's birthday. He's turning 21, and about two days ago he was excited about it. But now he'd rather stay in. 

Hoseok was concerned for his friend, seeing as  he'd developed strong feelings for Jungkook, and said boy has fallen off the face of the earth since the bathroom incident. Hobi asked Yoongi if he's talked to his friend, only for the younger to say that Jungkook went to Busan.

The reason? Well, Yoongi said it wasn't his place to say.

So now, Taehyung is currently on his way to the Seoul airport to pick up his mom who's visiting for his birthday. When his parents split, he lived with his grandmother for a while, and when she passed his mom had tried to make an effort to have a relationship with her son. As for Tae's father, well he's not a huge fan of his, especially knowing his son is gay.

 As for Tae's father, well he's not a huge fan of his, especially knowing his son is gay

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{adeul means son in Korean ;) im learning ya'll lmao}

Taehyung put his phone in the cup holder, and saw the airport coming into view. He found a spot near the entrance, and saw his mom walking out with her luggage behind her.

"Eomma!" he yelled and caught her attention immediately. She smiled and walked to her son who opened the front door and ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug. 

"Taehyungie, how are you?" Tae grinned and pulled away from the hug. "I'm alright, let's go out for lunch on me,"

"OK, and you have to catch me up on what's going on. You sounded a bit distant on the phone,"

Ugh, of course Taehyung's mother sensed something was up. But, he wasn't sure if it was worth telling her about Jungkook when the boy hasn't talked to him in days.

The car ride was silent, with the radio playing music to drown out the awkwardness. Tae could feel his mother's concerned stare a few times on the way to the diner he met Yoongi at, but ignored it once they got inside.

Yoongi was working today. And when he saw Tae he had a small smile on his face, and greeted his mother who nodded politely.

"So, how's university?" Eomma Kim asked. Tae stirred his straw in his drink slowly and answered. "Good, I'm getting straight A's,"

"That's my boy, I knew you could do it," Tae smiled but it wasn't the least bit real. So, Eomma Kim asked finally, "What's really going on adeul?"

Tae sighed looking out the window, then back to his eomma who was giving  him the 'whatever you tell me I won't judge' look. He sighed, and told her everything. 

"So, you ended up falling in love with this boy after getting the wrong number from a boy who you thought would date you?"

Tae nodded.

"And he's in high school?"

Tae sighed. "Yeah,"

"Now he's ignoring you after he kissed you so suddenly?" she asked and Tae wanted to crawl in a hole and die at this point. "That's it,"

"Do you have a photo of him?" Tae nodded and showed her the one Jungkook first sent him. "He's adorable. I'm sorry taehyungie, maybe he's visiting family or-" with a sigh Tae cut her off.

"It's fine eomma, I'm fine," Tae said. More like convincing himself instead of his mother.

"Well, he seems like a nice boy, he'll realize he made a mistake and come around. Trust me, I'm your eomma,"

Tae smiled, genuinely this time, and was thankful for this visit.

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