Chapter 18

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"So, are you excited for college?" Taehyung asked as he and Jungkook sat crossed legged across from each other on his bed. 

Jungkook looked up and pursed his lips. "Yeah I guess, all I know is that it's what I want to do. Get my diploma, go audition at big hit, and maybe land a singing career. But its stupid,"

Tae smiled and shook his head. "It's not stupid, It's great you know what you want. I'm almost graduating and I still don't know if my voice is good enough for the outside world,"

"You can be whatever though. Even a model!"

Taehyung laughed.

"I'm serious, you're tall and beautiful and.. and uhm yeah," Jungkook stuttered and looked to Taehyung's freshly painted blue wall. "Kookie,"

Jungkook turned and saw Taehyung looking at him in a strange way he's never seen before. It sent chills up his spine, and made the tips of his ears red. 

"I'm really happy we met," Taehyung smiled and his heart was beating so fast at what he was about to say. "I really like talking to you Jungkook, and I-I really like you,"

There it was. The moment Jungkook's been dreaming about. Having Taehyung actually like him back was shocking, but it's all he's ever wanted.

"I like you too Tae, a lot. I'm really happy I ended up with that wrong number,"

Taehyung chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. "Me too,"

The room was silent for a moment, with the moonlight shining from Taehyung's bedroom window making Jungkook resemble an angel to him. He's never been this happy with a person in his entire life. His friends adored Jungkook, Namjoon was already calling him brother, and his eomma was happy he found someone. 

Jungkook is his soul mate. He's sure of it. He slowly scooted up to where the younger was laying back against his headboard, and placed his hands on his black jeans. Taehyung looked him in his big brown eyes, and saw nothing but trust and happiness. So he closed the gap between them, and captured his lips with his own moving them together at a slow pace not wanting to rush anything. This was their first official kiss since the incident in the bathroom, and he wanted to cherish every moment. 

Taehyung tasted like strawberries and the beer Namjoon had brought and Jungkook was in absolute heaven. Meanwhile Tae was running his hand up and down his arm and started placing feather like kisses along his jawline and one on his neck. 

"Will you stay over?" the blonde asked with his lips swollen a deep shade of red. Jungkook smiled that cute bunny smile Tae loved "Sure," he scooped the older in his arms and pulled the sheet over them. 

This is what was supposed to happen. And they couldn't be happier. 


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hello only four more chapters after this oof

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