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Attraction necessarily refers to being drawn in enough to the point of liking a certain person, whether it is physical or emotional, it's attraction nonetheless. From all the research I have done, there is no amount of time to pass that will ensure you are attracted, it is primarily just something you will know when you have it. For example, someone can be attracted to someone they just met in 20 seconds rather than someone who is attracted to someone 5 years after meeting them. It depends on your natural chemistry.

Now, it did not take me long to be attracted to Sooyoung, who'd rather go by Yves for some reason. The first time I saw her was when I accidentally walked into the dance room (which I thought was the art room) and saw her choreographing for the team. After a while of mapping her every move around the school and catching glimpses of her during history or across the halls, I realized that as a matter of fact, I was attracted to her. This was also when I realized my natural build up was geared toward girls.

Yes, this all seems cliché and stereotypical, the quiet girl nobody knows will catch the most loved girl in the school's attention. That is where this is all wrong for many reasons, can you guess which?
A. This is a town where people attracted to the same sex are rare as ever mainly because of religion
B. I have never spoken to her in my life
C. Our personalities do not clash enough (from what I know) to even attempt to be her friend
D. All of the above

Ding ding ding! The answer is D. Now, maybe the stars are on my side and she has a tiny bit of emotion toward females, but I wouldn't want to build my hopes up only to have them shatter.

"Earth to Jiwoo," Yerim, my best friend, said as she interrupted my train of thought.

I (and now Yerim as she just got dropped off) was sitting on one of the wooden benches in the courtyard right before school will start. I usually arrive earlier to clear my mind before loud students take over and I also like to see Yves when she arrives, it gives me comfort.

"Hello nuisance, do you not see i'm trying to enjoy a peaceful morning?"

"And do i care?"

"What's up with you this fine morning?"

"Not much. I found out details about Yves that I know a certain someone would like to know," Yerim teased.

"Which is..."

"So, you know my friend Heejin? The one in your math class?"

"Yes ma'am I do," I said anxiously.

"Well, she is friends with Hyunjin who is in the dance team," she smiled.

"Okay and?"

"That means she's friends with Yves, smart one."

"So what am I supposed to do about that?"

"Well we could all hang out if she plans something which gives the chance of Yves being there and you finally talking to her," Yerim chuckled.

"That doesn't mean anything! I can't talk to her you know that. I doubt she even knows me."

"Don't be pessimistic. Do you want to have the girl you've liked since last year as your girlfriend or not?"


"There you go, I'll text you all the information when Heejin plans it."

"Wait? Does Heejin know i like Yves?"

"We should get to class before we're late again," she smiled as she began to walk toward the building.

"YERIM!" my head was in my hands as she continued to ignore me into the building.

10:26 a.m.

The clock was ticking and as each minute passed, I found myself drifting off. I was in math class and had nerves building up due to Heejin sitting a couple of rows ahead of me. She would turn around every once in a while to catch my eye and winked once. What was going through that girl's head?

Heejin and I are not close, she hangs out with the choir kids and is too intimidating for me to talk to for some reason. She has long hair with perfectly done curls and wears the no-makeup makeup look on the daily. She's really beautiful and I heard she is very sweet when you get to know her. Maybe we could be friends in the future.

"Okay class, I am going to pass out your classwork now and you have until the end of class to turn it in. Use your notes as a guide and get into pairs," our teacher, Mr. Park, said.

I saw Heejin stand from her seat and make her way to the row I was sat in, taking the empty seat next to mine.

"Hey! I'm Heejin, but hopefully you know that since I'm friends with Yerim. Your name is Jiwoo, right?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Well, to cut it short, I know you like Yves. I think it's adorable and would love to help you out," she smiled.


"Yerim told me all about it and I think it's adorable. Plus I think we could end up being friends if you'd like."

"I'd like that, thank you," I replied.

"Well let's start planning because I'm not actually gonna do this math work."

That was the first time I voluntarily risked my grade in the class.

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