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It was now Monday. This weekend was kind of surreal, if I had to sum it up into words. Yves ended up texting me after I left Heejin's house, we talked for almost the whole night. I got to know her better, and she is very (if not more) interesting in my eyes.

I styled my hair last night, I made some waves in it so that it wouldn't look so boring. I also put on a little bit of makeup (it wasn't too crazy, some lip gloss and blush). I think I look pretty today and hope Yves thinks the same.

"Wow are you trying to get me to crush on you or yves?" I heard a too-familiar voice behind me.

"Hey Yerimie," I smiled.

I looked to my left and saw Yves was walking with Hyunjin to the main entrance of the school. She had a low ponytail on today and a white button up with a black skirt. She's really beautiful.

"Earth to Jiwoo," Yerim snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.


"Let's go to homeroom before your eyes fall out," she laughed.

1:25 p.m

You know those times when you want to shrivel up into a snail and have some little kid stomp on you? Probably not, but that is my current mood. I am sat in the back of the class as usual, and guess who decides to sit next to me? Hint: Her name starts with a Y and ends in an S.

I was staring out the window when I felt a pencil tap on my desk. I looked to my side and Yves was staring at the board with a hand under her chin and resting her elbow on the desk. She calmly turned her attention to me and gestured down to my desk with her eyes, there was a pink sticky note and I swear I have never been as confused.

"Hi," It said in Yves' handwriting. I looked at her and she was smiling at the board.

"Helloo," I wrote back and placed it on her desk.

"This class is boring. We should skip one day."

"No way, what if we get caught?"

"I'll ease you into it," She wrote back and when I questioned her and passed it back to her, she placed it inside her folder and closed her bookbag.

After a couple more minutes, I felt yet another tap on my desk and looked down to see a green sticky note this time.

"By the way, you look very pretty today. I couldn't stop looking at you during lunch," It read. I looked back at her and she had her arms crossed in front of her chest and did not look my way for the rest of the class. I made sure to keep this sticky note.

4:37 p.m

"A sticky note? Seriously? She doesn't have the guts to even talk to your face?" Yerim was throwing questions my way left and right as we were sat on my bed with math worksheets laying around us.

"It's not a big deal," I rolled my eyes.

"JIWOO IS YOUR HEAD EMPTY? This is a huge deal," she yelled.

"If you don't shut up, my mom will come in and make your presence seem like a big deal," Yerim rolled her eyes at my comment.

I have been waiting for a text from Yves all day, but I'm not sure I will get one today.

sticky notes ➳ chuuvesWhere stories live. Discover now