My Brother The Vampire

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You were stood a good distance away from Clary, refusing to even look at her, this was all her fault and you weren't sure if you would actually talk to her again. It wasn't until a man carried Simon through the grave yard and began explaining what would happen that you actually acknowledged Clary and her companion.

You watched in horror as the event unfolded before you, moving closer to the man who was stood close to the grave, putting a greater distance between you and your brothers best friend.

"You might not want to watch this." The man said to you when he had to grip your arm to stop you hurrying to help your brother dig his way out.

"No if she is going to force something on him that he didn't want then I'm going to help him, rather than ignore him when he needs me." You snapped, glaring at the red head who looked down at her feet.

"Hey she's doing what she thinks is best for her friend." The blond next to Clary snapped.

"Oh really, if she was she would know that Simon wouldn't want to become a monster, seriously Clary the only reason you're doing this is because you're being selfish." You huffed.

Before Clary could respond a hand burst through the soil and Simon slowly clawed his way out of the ground, you eyed your brother nervously, waiting for someone to move or say something. After a moment Clary stepped forward only for the blond to drag her back when Simon lunged for her, the man who had brought Simon to the grave yard chucked a bag of blood down in front of Simon, which he guzzled down.

"I'll take him with me, he'll be safe and I can help him." The man said looking down at your worried face.

"Thank you." You mumbled. "I should get back before Mom realises I snuck out... I'll call him tomorrow."

Raphael watched you hurry out of the grave yard, shrugging off Clary's attempt at apologising, as you stormed home. Simon's eyes trained on your back, the sickening feeling of wanting to tear into you left him trembling at the thought.


The looming Shadow of Hotel Dumort had an odd feeling of impending doom, although now you understood that feeling you'd had whenever you, Clary and Simon had taken a trip into New York and wondered past it.

After a few minutes of standing still on the spot and gazing up at the hotel you headed towards the door, jumping when it opened although no one was visible in the darkness that filled the building, you wondered through until you found a lit room where Raphael was drinking, what you assumed was blood, from a glass which he set down when you approached him.

"I'm surprised that you came here alone." Raphael muttered.

"Are you quoting old movies?" You asked with a smirk.

"Your brother is doing well." Raphael commented. "I'm sorry he hasn't been himself, he's struggling."

You huffed and twisted your fingers together in your lap. Suddenly you threw your arms around Raphael's neck causing him to flail his own arms until he realised you were hugging hi not attacking.

"Thank you, for doing this for Simon... Clary's just vanished and left us." You were almost in tears so Raphael wasn't sure what to say.

He simply nodded, deciding that he should always be a little weary of you, seeing as you seemed to be at complete ease in his hotel full of vampires.

"You know you should talk to her eventually... but for now you can help me with Simon." Raphael stood from the golden sofa and offered you a hand.

"What're you planning to do with him?" You asked defensively, making the vampire chuckle at your protectiveness of his newest bite-e

"Well to be honest I'm going to stand you the other side of a metal door and prick your finger with a pin to see if he can control himself." Raphael said as if he were discussing his newest outfit.

"And if he can't control himself." You asked dubiously, recalling the last week of Raphael's tests.

"I'll take you back home and let him cool off." He hummed. You gripped his arm and tugged until the vampire rolled his eyes and turned to face you.

"If he isn't better soon I will kick your immortal butt you hear me." You snapped firmly making his eyebrows shoot up.

"Yes ma'am." He muttered with his mouth hanging slightly open as you took the lead as the both of you continued on to Simon's room.

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