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You watched the three Shadowhunters from your perch on the metal beam of the glass banister, not really caring about the new girl, enough to get involved in whatever had Alec ruffled like an angry bird.

The redhead continued to argue with your leader until he span around and jerked his hand to motion for you to join them. You rolled your eyes and hopped down, strolling across the room, making sure that Alec saw how irritated you were at being dragged into whatever it was that now involved you.

"Go with Clary and help find her Mundane." Alec snapped at you. "Don't argue (Y/N) just do it." Alec sighed before you could object.

"Fine, see you later." You grumbled as you followed Clary out of the building.


When you finally found Simon he was playing guitar at the front of a crowd of people and singing. You almost forgot to be sour when you heard the music, Clary led you to a seat and you both waited for him to finish, his face lighting up when he saw you both.

Eventually you were dragged to the back of the stage and through a dark corridor, out into the cold night, to where Simon was waiting by his van.

"Hey guys, how'd I do?" He asked sheepishly.

"You were great." Clary squealed excitedly.

"For a Mundie you weren't that bad." You hummed. He smiled at you and nodded appreciatively before offering you both a lift home.


You knocked loudly on Simon's door, a confused woman answering it and calling out to you as you barged your way into the house.

"Hey Simon." You called as you climbed the stairs.

"What oh (Y/N), it's cool Mom she's a friend." Simon said quickly as he led you to his room.

"Your Mom's weird." You commented. Simon froze unsure if he should take offence, or it was your usual blunt analysis of his world.

"Um... right, so why are you here exactly is Clary ok?" He asked quickly.

"Yeah, she's fine but I came to see you." you said with a sigh as you slumped down at the foot of his bed.

"Oh right... well... um." He stuttered. You huffed despite finding his awkwardness weirdly endearing and waited for him to stop bushing.

"I want you to teach me to play the guitar." You looked over to where he was stood, looking surprised by your request. "Please." You added making him chuckle.

"Yeah sure um... here we'll start with my old one." Simon said quickly, sounding excited at the prospect of teaching you.

Clary Fray ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now