The little wolf who cried (Part Two)

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"Will it work?" Clary asked Magnus again, he'd lost count of how many time but he knew she had good reason for it.

"Yes, it is working." He sighed, glancing at the others who were milling around and waiting to be told what to do.

As soon as Jocelyn was awake she embraces Clary who muttered jumbled words through sobbing. The group waited awkwardly, understanding how Clary must feel but feeling as if they were intruding.

"I'm so sorry." She finally muttered and Jocelyn pulled away to look at her daughter. "I lost (Y/N), they took her."

"It is all right, we'll find her." She shushed Clary and soothed her as Alec cleared his throat and lead everyone to a room where people had been gathering to greet Jocelyn and begin planning.


"What's down here?" Jace asked and he was led into a room where a werewolf was being experimented on.

"We need to learn about them, more than just having an alliance with them." The man smirked when Jace's face paled at the thought of you being alone somewhere locked in a place that could turn on you at any second.

"Do you just go out and catch them or do your store them somewhere?" Jace whished he hadn't asked because the cages full of Downworlders seemed worse than the experiments.

There was barely space to breath, everyone was crammed in together, fighting for air. His eyes flew over the people, looking for you, just a flash of red hair or a noise of objection to being squished in, even the sight of you forcefully pushing through the bars.

"Of course, the special ones aren't kept here... they're put somewhere safer." The man smiled as if he knew that Jace had been looking for you and the boy had no option but to nod and follow him rather than question as to where you were hidden.


"This is your new home." A friendly woman smiled down at you as you were locked together in a large room.

"She doesn't speak." One of the men who had brought you in said to the woman who nodded.

You glanced around at the room, you didn't like the smell, or the fact that it appeared to be an entire house spread over one room with a tiny bathroom in one corner, the light from the little room flickering which made the doors shadow dance across the floor.

The man left and the door was locked again. The woman smiled at you but you didn't want to be anywhere near her.

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