Chapter One: Help

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Warning: This story is a BxB kind of story. If you don't like stuffs like this, please don't read so that we won't have problems with each other ( ゚д゚)

I have given you a fair warning. Haha well, whatever, please enjoy.


Seek [BL]

We, humans, can never be satisfied. We seek. We search. We thirst. And after we've obtain that thing, we'll dispose it later on, as if it's a trash we no longer need, and look for something again. This cycle is like a grumpy road, tiring and endless. "Satisfaction" isn't listed in mankind's dictionary. Every one of them is so surreal.

That's what I believe in until I met you.

Chapter one: Help

"Hey, you better get going now. School's gonna close in 30 minutes."

"Yes, I'm just tidying my stuffs." I replied.

"Just hurry up."

The teacher that seems to be taking rounds closed the door and continued checking the other rooms.

"That was a lie." I mumbled.

I grabbed my torned bag and headed to my locker.

"Tidying stuffs?" I smirked. "How in the world will I clean this up?" I said, looking inside my locker full of vandals, hate messages, and threats. I can clearly see the written in bold "GO DIE!" and the never ending "freak" word.

You see, my life isn't like of those in the so-called fairy tales. There's no such thing as "they all lived happily ever after", in my life, at least. No prince nor a fairy god mother to save me.

The only one who can save you is yourself.

For me, life is about not having the things you truly seek for. All I ever get is a "Keep it up!" from my workaholic parents, a "Go die, freak." from my schoolmates, and a "What's wrong? We're here to help you." from teachers who wants to create a good image, but in reality, they dont even care or give a damn about me.

Life is so tiring.

To be honest, I tried ending my life numerous time, but I just couldn't bring myself to. I always back out at the last minute, blaming myself, full of regret.

I was on the school's gate now, ready to head home. I raised my head and looked at the sky like I usually do. Maybe it's because, like in the movies, whenever a protagonist looks at the sky, he'll have hope and strenght. Also, don't you wonder what kind of world is there beneath those clouds? It's as if that world is a fair world; A world that no one gets ordered around.

No rich, no poor.

What an ideal world.

But suddenly, my imagination broke when I saw that. I froze, unable to get my eyes off him.

There, at the school's rooftop.




Ready to jump any minute.

My brain said not to get involved with this kind of accident, that I should just turn around, as if I saw nothing.

As if I didn't see anything?

That's not fair.

My body moved on it's own and before I knew it, I was on the rooftop. While catching my breath, I'm finding the right words to say. Quickly, I have to get his attention before he...

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