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Things had started to calm down a bit the very next day. Dallas.. well, still the same act he has from the few days I've seen him.
I never knew, or, basically ever thought someone like Dallas would act so.. irritating or different.

On that note, I'm living at Bucks with Dallas. I didn't like the idea myself, considering I was afraid of Dallas. I shouldn't say afraid afraid of him, just, I don't know how to explain it. Just afraid what's gonna happen between us as siblings. Send me back with dad? Kick me out and have nowhere to go?

I'm sitting in my own, and before you ask, yes I have my own room. I constantly begged Buck to give me my own room, I'm not sharing a room with Dallas, besides, his room is so messy it was like a raccoon dug the whole trash out.
Buck is one of the first friend I had made since the last few days. All my friends are up in New York, never heard from them, not nothing.
Never had time to take the chance and go out to start making new friends. But now, here in Tulsa Oklahoma is a different society. Now apparently I gotta watch out for different groups of people. The rich, the poor, and the middle class. It's hard for me, but easier for Dallas since he's been here longer and basically knows everything.
He said, if I want to stay on his good side and be with him, I gotta be a greaser, and act like a greaser. I agreed, but I just don't understand what is wrong with the rich?

I'm laying on my bed, leaning back into my pillows as my legs are curled up, leaning on my one side, looking out the window, as the ray of sunshine snuck through my window, watching the leaves blowing back and forth as the wind is hitting onto it.
I sighed, looking at my bare leg that got stitched up. I winced every time I seen it, it just, disgusts me, but I think of it as a badass to be honest.

I glanced around my room, at the pink walls, some paintings and some old Christmas lights I found in the storage in the attic, all around my room. Looked kind of socy to me, but I liked it.

A knock interrupted. I looked over at the door, exhaling.

"It's opened" I said softly.

The door cracked opened slowly, until Soda peeked in, smiling as he walked in, closing the door behind him, standing there with his hands in his pockets.

I glanced around awkwardly as he didn't say anything. "Hi" I said as I smiled, furrowing my eyebrows. "What are you doin' here?"

He came walking towards me, sitting at the edge of my bed, looking up at me.
"Dallas wanted me to come up here, wanted me to tell ya somethin' "

I sat up straight, cross-crossing my legs. "and he couldn't tell me himself because..?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, he's over at our house, I went to take Sandy home.. ran into him as he walked out, wantin' me to tell ya what he told me."

I nodded slowly, slightly confused on who this Sandy girl is. But also shook my head, wondering why he just walked out.

"Okay.." I began, stretching out the word. "What's this.. important news or whatever he needed to tell me?"

"He enrolled ya into school.." he started, looking up at me.

I sighed, slamming my back into my pillows, folding my arms over my face. "Why.. just why"

"It's not that bad.. you'll be in the same grade as my brother, Ponyboy, and our friends Two-bit and Johnny. They'll help ya around." He laid his hand on my ankle, since it  was close to him.

I wanted to move my ankle away, but it felt comforting. I never felt comfort actually, never felt loved either. How was I supposed to know what was wrong or what was right?

Dallas Winston's sister ( The Outsiders FF )Where stories live. Discover now