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"You love me?"

I didn't know what to say. I tried forming words, nothing came out. Can't get a single word through my head; nothing. I was empty.

I stomped passed Soda, opening the door as I could hear him call my name as he followed me. I walked out the front, Dallas, Johnny, and Steve was still there talking.
Steve was going to say something, but he didn't. He seen the look on my face, which meant I was going to raise some hell if someone started messing with me that second. I had that same cold hard face like Dallas, my eyes went cold, my teeth were clenched.

I felt as Soda grabbed my wrist, turning me around as he stared into my eyes.
"That was it, that was why you were avoiding me this whole time?"

I grit through my teeth, poking his chest as I thought I was tougher. "You're stupid Soda, stupid for just realizing she's no good for you and you take her back for breaking that heart of yours!"

I could tell he was mad, it was just a full blown out argument right in front of the DX, not caring who's around, not even the gang.
He was silenced.

I felt as my eyes started to form tears, my voice cracking. "I'm just trying to help because I care, I hate seeing you hurt over her Soda, I really do."

I was waiting for him to say something, but he didn't. So I went on.

"You're Sodapop Curtis, the happiest guy that can make anyone happy, you deserve someone that treats you right,"

"But Sandy-"

"There's nothing about Sandy Soda, nothing,"

He took a deep breath, glancing around.

"She broke your heart, you have to stop giving her chances, because the more you give her chances the more she's going to keep doing this to you, and I can't stand this, I really can't,"

"What is going on over here man? There's no need to yell like that blondie, what are you so mad about?" Dallas walked up, looking at me up and down, wrapping his lip around his cigarette.

I glanced at Soda as he glanced right back at me; I shook my head, turning around walking straight back to the Curtis house.

It was a very interesting walk from what I seen. I was shuffling my feet, walking past the Dingo as I seen a group of men riding in a red Cadillac, they weren't Soc's at all. They seemed more richer than Soc's. They looked tough and mean, wearing tuxedos, asking this one guy that he owes him money, and started beating the living shit out of him.
Who are these people?

I walked right to the Curtis house, standing in front of the gate as I stopped in my tracks, glancing at the same red Cadillac that was straight up ahead, grabbing a shirt of a middle class collar, slamming him up against the wall.

"Hey! What are you doing to him!" I yelled, which got there attention, starting to walk near them.

They all looked at me, every single one of them. Even this really tough lookin' guy that was staring deep in my soul with a cold look.
I stopped, as someone behind me shoved me besides the Curtis house, right up against the side of the house.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Dallas yelled lowly, gritting through his teeth as he grabbed my shirt in a handful.

I could see some of the  gang right behind him, looking worried and blankly. I couldn't really tell who is because of Dallas right in front of my face, only seeing him.

"What? I was trying to help that kid out!"

"You don't go near those people," he said, pointing his finger out in the direction they were in. "Ever,"

Dallas Winston's sister ( The Outsiders FF )Where stories live. Discover now