Chapter 3

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Your brothers came into your room and apologize for what they caused. So to apologize they gave you a new phone, (whatever phone you want), but before they gave you it they wanted to show you a video of you. You already new this was going to happen so you just went along with it. The video was you acting crazy and believe it or not your brothers posted it on YouTube, and it gave them over 2 million views in one day.

Your new phone was really cool so you accepted their apology. When they asked you if you wanted to go downstairs to watch tv you told them,
"sure! I'm just going to need help carrying my blanket downstairs!"
Ethan grabbed your blanket and you guys went downstairs to watch a movie.

You guys were only an hour into the movie and it was super boring so you ended up falling asleep on Grayson. You felt bad because when you fell asleep you drooled all over him, but he didn't really seem to care. You woke up after the movie was over and stretched. Gray and E were asleep too so you decided to wake them up.
When you tried to wake Ethan up he was still asleep, so you and Grayson decided to prank him. You grab a glass of water and Grayson started to film. You go over slowly and then poured the water on him. You see the anger in his eyes and run upstairs with Grayson behind you. You ran into Grayson's room and locked the door. You and him both start dying of laughter. He then laughed and said,
"Haha good one Phoenix!"
"Let me see the video you took!"
"Haha here.."

The video was really funny until you saw that you left your phone downstairs not knowing what Ethan would do.

Ethan was downstairs so you go down there to get your phone. Your not shocked to see Ethan on your phone, but you are when you see him texting your crush, Grant.

Grant was your dream boy. He was tall (6 ft), had brown messy hair, and blue eyes. You only had his number in your phone because you were his partner in science one time. You were so dumb to label his contact name Grant😍❤️.

Ethan was texting him some weird stuff, but you were going to tell Grant that it was Ethan.

You get the phone back from Ethan and you see your conversation.

You: Hey Grant!
Grant: Um hey... who is this? Sorry new phone...
You: oh it's Phoenix❤️
Grant: Hey!
You: I was just going to ask if maybe you wanted to hang out one time? I'm always available..

Grant still hasn't responded and you were actually scared. You couldn't punch Ethan because of your hand but you were still going to wait until after Grant answers.

Ethan goes upstairs and starts dying of laughter. Ethan tells Grayson what he did and then they both started to die of laughter. Luckily for you Ethan didn't show Grant the video after your stitches.

Grant then starts to text back....

________________________________AUTHORS NOTE
Sorry for this being so short I just wanted to post in time for you to read.
Give some feedback please

What does grant text back?
A.) Sure!
B.) sorry but no...
C.) he blocks your number

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