Chapter 2

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When you fell you shattered your phone. You were really upset because that was your one way of getting away from your family. Yes, you did love your family a lot but sometimes you needed a break. You didn't know you shattered your phone, until you saw glass on the sidewalk and a cut on your hand. Your brothers then said,
"oh my god.. we are so"
You interrupt them and say,
"can you just leave. you make the biggest deal about everything. you chased me down to the park just because I was wearing shorts and a crop top."
"we're sorry.."

You walk back home crying and ignoring everything your brothers said. Once you got home you instantly go upstairs into your room. You went into the bathroom that was located next to your closet to wash out your cut. You notice that the cut was really deep and you started to panic. You run downstairs to tell Cameron (still ignoring Gray and E). Cameron asked,
"What's wrong?!"
She could tell you were sad because you were crying. You then replied to her question,
"I cut myself when I shattered my phone and the cut is really deep.."

You knew your brothers heard and you knew they were sorry for what they did, but your anger got the best of you.

Ethan then got up to look at your cut. Cameron was no expert on anything that was medical. Ethan then said,
"Cameron we need to take her to the hospital she's going to need stitches!"

When Ethan said that it instantly got Gray's attention. Gray ran over and grabbed some paper towels while Ethan was calming you down and Cameron was getting the car ready. Gray wrapped the towels around your hand making sure the blood stopped flowing. Ethan then picked you up and took you to the car. Grayson then said,
"I'm calling Mom!"

10 minutes later
You were stuck in traffic and you were loosing a lot of blood. Almost too much blood. You tell Cameron that you weren't feeling so well and she turns around and says,
"Ethan, make sure she is ......"

You couldn't hear anything after that and it goes black.

You wake up in an ambulance that must have been called by one of your brothers. You remember them sticking in an IV cord into your arm but the rest of the time was just a blur.

Since only one family member can be in the ambulance with you Cameron was there. She told you,
"Phoenix! You scared us why didn't you tell us earlier?"

You didn't answer because you were really out of it.

You are now in the hospital getting stitches from the cut in you hand. And since you seriously had to be pinned down to the chair when you were getting the stitches the doctors just decided to put you asleep with some type of gas.
You were then done with the stitches and you ended up acting really crazy. You don't remember what you said but here is what you said to your siblings,

(In the tune of twinkle twinkle little star)


You were then shushed by your siblings then you snapped but in a crying way,
"Why are you guys so mean to me? I always do nice stuff to you? I make pancakes, clean my room, play outside."

The next day
You weren't told on how you acted after your stitches until today. You were very embarrassed. But you were still mad at your brothers for how this happened. Your brothers came in your room and....

What do your brothers do?
A.) show you a new phone
B.) apologize
C.) show you a video of how you were acting
D.) all of the above

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