Chapter two

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Sakura's POV

I'd rather cook for my fiancé than taking her out for mid-dinner.

His words kept running through my mind. I was lost, confused and taken aback. What did he mean by that? Does this mean he loves me? But it can't be since we're forced into this, right? Thoughts were running on my mind like wild fire.

"Yo." Sasori said patting my head ever softly. "Mid-dinner is ready." He said and walked towards the table where a plateful of hot pancakes are served, a tub of choco mint ice cream and a plate for two. He took the apron off and loosen his red tie around his neck and unbottoned two buttons. He looked at me with a brow raised. "Do I have to carry you towards the dinning table as well?" He asked sarcastically.

I chuckled at his behavior and proceeded to walk towards the dinning table and sat across him. He placed two pancakes on my plate and handed me the butter and syrup. "Thank you." I smiled at him which he returned. I looked at the pancakes pilled in the plate and noticed it has different colors. There is pinkish red, blue and yellow.

"I added fruits in them." He said nervously. I spread some butter at the pinkish red pancakes on my plate and a little strawberry syrup on top and took a bite. My eyes widen at the taste and texture. It was so fluffy and tasty. "So?" He asked "It's delicious!" I said out loud and started digging in like a mad woman.

Sasori chuckled. "You might wanna slow down a little bit or you might choke on your food." He said before digging in his food as well. The mid-dinner went good for the both of us. We talked and laughed like the good friends we are. We never considered our status as an engaged couple but rather a bestfriend who always has each others back.

After eating all the pancakes Sasori made he placed three scoops of choco mint on my ice cream bowl and handed it to me not before putting a dessert spoon beside it. Mumbling a thank you I waited for him to finish putting ice cream on his bowl and putting the ice cream back to the freezer. We walked towards the living room.

We sat comfortably in the couch as he reached out for the remote control and flipped the channel since Spongebob was already over. Sensing that the shows weren't interesting he turned the television off. "What gives?" I asked. "Wait and don't move." He said as he placed his bowl of ice cream in the coffee table and rushed towards his room and a few seconds later he came back with a projector, laptop with it's charger and a comforter.

He immediately set the laptop towards the projector and turned it on. He faced the projector on the wall behind our couch and turned the series lights on that was dangling in the walls. "Can you turn the sofa facing towards the wall and turn the lights off?" He asked still focused on his laptop. Standing up I pushed the couch facing towards the wall with a good distance and walked towards the switch and turned the lights off.

"What are we watching? And isn't movie nights usually on Saturday evenings?" I asked as I walked towards the couch and sat there comfortably with my bowl of ice cream in my lap. "We can always do this and besides I took a day off tomorrow since your parents invited us for the auction." Sasori said as he clicked on the video player and sat back in the sofa grabbing his bowl of ice cream in the coffee table.

"That is?" I asked feeding myself a spoonful. "Tomorrow evening and we still need to get our stuffs tomorrow." Said he. I nodded my head in agreement and looked at the wall. It was still dark. "What are we watching?" I asked as I started digging in on my ice cream.

"Beauty and the beast." Sasori said in a calm voice as usual and then the title beauty and the beast showed up. I smiled. It was sweet of Sasori to watch this movie with me over and over again, not once did he complain about anything. From cooking, picking me up and watching my all time favorite movie. Sometimes I pray that one day I'll fall in love with Sasori since he was too good to be true. Sasori is attractive, intelligent, charming, kind, athletic, understanding, a good leader and responsible. While he is the total opposite of him. Sure he was damn gorgeous and intelligent but his personality reeks! He is ever bossy, snobbish, rude and ugh! The total opposite. But what can I say? I fell in love with that jerk who left me without a single explanation nor word as to why he left.

I always remember the day he took me to the beach one night and held my hand as we walked along the shoreline barefoot. He suddenly stopped and turned to look at me. His dark orbits held no emotion, I can't tell what he is thinking nor feeling.

"Sakura I want to say something." He said taking both my hands into his, I blushed at his action. "Yes?" I asked smiling at him. He was the person I love, the person I want to be with, the person I wanna share my future with and the person I wanna have a family with. "I need you to promise." He said looking straight into my eyes. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. "What is it?" I asked. He looked down and it took him sometime to respond. "Sasuke?" I asked getting worried by the second. He shot his head up and stared at my eyes. Emerald orbs and dark orbs crashing into one another. "Promise me that it'll be us. It will forever be us, no matter how hard the situation is. We won't give up on each other." He said. I was blushing furiously at the moment and was lost of words. I only nodded my head. He hang his head low and sighed deeply as he pulled me into a tight hug and burried his face into the crook of my neck, his hot breath tickling my collar bone. "I promise." I said softly and returned the hug.

"Sak?" I heard Sasori called out to me softly and he gently shake me. I was too tired and too sleepy to talk or even open my eyes. "Goodnight sweetheart." I heard Sasori said before sleep took over me.

I woke up at the smell of brewed coffee and butter. I stared at my pink ceiling before dragging myself out of bed and groggily walked towards my vanity mirror, I picked up a brush and started brushing the knots on my pink hair and tied it into a messy bun. I walked towards my private bathroom and washed my face with soap and water. Patting my face dry I went out of my private bathroom and walked down the mini stairs and headed towards the dinning area.

"Morning." I greeted Sasori who was making grilled cheese. I looked at the table and noticed there's already bacon, eggs, brewed coffee and grilled cheese sandwich. "Morning pinky. Sleep well?" Sasori asked his back still at her. "Yeah, you?" I asked back taking a piece of bacon and popping it into my mouth. "Same." He said turning the griller off and placed the rest of the sandwich on the dinning table. "This is a lot." I commented as we both sat down at the table. "Both families are coming here for an hour just to check up on us and leave for the preparation of the auction later." Sasori said as he placed food into my plate.

" I can do it myself you know." I said. I've been repeating it almost everyday and his response too are always the same.

"This is the least thing I can do for my fiancé."

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