chapter ten

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Sasori's POV

I crused at the memory. I should have known after all these years but I guess I was really blinded by love.

"Fuck." I cursed again as I drank the drank the strong alcohol in my hand. "You might wanna slow down a little bit." Kiba said sitting down next to me as he motioned the bartender for a drink himself.

"I don't get it Kiba. Why can't it be me? Why does it always have to be him? Why can't I be someone's priority? Why can't she see me? Why doesn't Sakura love me?" I asked. I was already drunk but I didn't care, I just want to forget everything even for tonight.

"Sasori stop, drinking won't help." Kiba said concern written all over his face. "Kiba what will you do if you saw your fiancé lip locking with somebody else?" I asked turning towards him. He became silent and looked down. "That's what I thought." I chuckled bitterly. "Sasori.." Kiba looked at me worriedly

"YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS WHEN THE GIRL YOU LOVE DOESN'T LOVE YOU BACK!" I shouted at my friend as I slammed the glass into the table, shattering it.


I looked down at the shattered glass in the table. "Who am I to be compared to that bastard Uchiha. He is, after all her first love." I sighed sadly.

Kiba looked at me and sat down. We continue to drink till one of us gets drunk but I know for a fact that Kiba won't be having his second drink since he's still driving me home.

I lost track of the number of drinks I already had, I went towards the dance floor and decided to dance with some random girl who had been checking at me for quite sometime. "You know, I know a good hotel near by." The girl whispered as we grinded our bodies with one another. "No he will not go with you because he's going home to his fiancé." Kiba said suddenly appearing in front of us with a hard expression.

"Fiancé?" The girl asked as she glared at Kiba. "Yes, surely you aren't that dense or naive to know that the guy your touching your filthy body with is the same guy who is the heir of the Konoha corp., and is engaged to the Leaf heiress." Kiba said angrily as he sent the girl with a glare.

"Sorry boi but news flash. She cheated on him with Uchiha." She smirked in victory. "And sorry to break it out to you bur their engagement hasn't been called off now leave." He said sending a death glare. The girl reculantly ran away. "I was having a good time!" I shouted at Kiba angrily.

"You're drunk, let's go home before Sakura gets worried." He said. Upon hearing Sakura's name, I nodded my head and walked with Kiba. He offered to help me since I could barely walk on my own.

As we got out of the bar, paparazzi gathered around.

"Is it true about Ms. Haruno was seen with Mr. Uchiha?!"
"Are they a thing now?!"
"Aren't you calling off the engagement?!"
"Is she a whore?!"

My eyes shot open as I grabbed the collar of one of the paparazzi. "Do not ever call her names if you don't want to die at this very moment." I glared at the guy who was sweating like a pig as his face turned pale. I pushed him down causing him to fall hard on the ground. "Fuck off." I said as I walked towards the limo with Kiba following.

"You heard the man, fuck off before I'll kill you with my bare hands." Kiba glared at the paparazzi which made them run for their lives. "That's what I thought." Kiba smirked and walked towards the drivers seat since I already settled down in the back.

I rested my head by the window using my hand for support. Kiba started the engine and drove off. I watched as the city lights go by in a blurr. I felt my eyelids go heavy and decided to close them.

"Sasori, we're here." Kiba nudged me awake next to me. I opened my eyes and observed my surroundings, we already arrived in the Leaf Condominum. The most biggest and most famous Condominum, World's number one. I got out from the backseat and looked at the last floor. The lights were still on, meaning Sakura is still awake.

"She's probably waiting." Kiba said as he stood beside me. "Waiting? Yeah right. Maybe waiting to run away with that bastard Uchiha." I said bitterly and walked towards the entrance passing through the guard without acknowledging them.

I went towards the elevator and clicked the up button and waited for the doors to open and when it did Sasuke Uchiha came into view. "Sneaking behind my back?" I glared at the guy as he kept a straight face.

"If I were you, I'd be comforting my fiancé and try to listen to her rather than drinking." He said as he walked away casually. I clenched my hands and stepped inside the elevator and clicked the last floor button.

It didn't take long for me to wait since the next thing I knew the doors opened and revealed Sakura. It hurts me to see her this way, bloodshot eyes, puffy cheeks, red nose. My eyes travelled down and landed at her suit cases, my heart broke into thousand of pieces.

"Sak- baby why?" I asked stepping out as I gripped her shoulders, she only cried more. "I'm sorry.." she cried.

"Sak, please talk to me. Why are your suit cases here? Shouldn't it be inside in your room where it belongs?" I tried smile at her as tears fell down from my eyes. God, anything but this. I silently prayed that this was all just a dream.

Sakura kept crying as I pulled her into a tight embrace. "Sak, baby. Everything is alright, okay? I'm sorry for leaving you like that." I apologized as I burried my face in the crook of her neck and cried there. "I'm sorry.. but I can't stay." Sakura said as she cried harder. My heart stopped as my world crumbles down.

"What? You're joking right? Please tell me your joking." I said as I laughed nervously, tears kept coming down from our eyes. Sakura didn't answer me but instead she held my hand and placed something in there. "I'm sorry.." and with that she carried her suit cases inside the elevator as it closed in front of my face. "No... no. No. No. No!" I cried as I kept banging the elevator doors with my fist as my other hand kept pressing the down button.

"God no! Please don't let him take her away from me! Please!" I cried out loud as I kept repeating banging the door with my fist and pressing the button with the other. "GOD WHY?!" I shouted as I puched the wall behind me. A stinging sensation ran through my knuckles but I was too heartbroken to even think about it.

I leaned by the wall and slide down on the carpet floor, I opened my hand to see what Sakura gave me and found her engagement ring I had personalized just for her. I cried upon seeing it. "Anyone... please tell me this is just a dream.." I said softly before collapsing on the carpet floor.

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