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Neji's POV

I kept on thinking what Sasori just said. I was pacing back and forth not until Tenten slapped my back. "You know I'm starting to doubt you're a girl." I said jokingly "I am, I just have more strength than you." She smirked.

More strength ey? I thought smugly. "Anyway did you see how Mr. Sasori looked at Ms. Sakura? God! I can't help but feel jealous! I wish a guy would look at the way he looks at her." She sighed dreamly. "What? You mean like a cat seeing his first ever tuna?" I joked.

Tenten smacked my shoulder and crossed her arms. "No you idiot! I mean like in a love way! Didn't you notice how he looked at her? To him she was like the only girl in the room. I wish guys like him exists." Tenten said.

I didn't spoke after what she said but just looked at her. A blush appeared on her cheeks, she quickly turned around and dusted herself off. "W-well let's get cleaning." She said nervously.

"Tenten.." I called her out softly. "Y-yeah?" She answered back stuttering. "Look at me." I demandes. Time to put an end to this, here goes nothing. I thought and inhaled.

"Why? Y-you can just tell me anything, I'm listening." She said. I took steps towards her while she took steps forward. "Your moving away from me." I said. "I-I'll be going to take out the trash." She quickly said and walkes towards the back. We just closed the boutique. I quickly catched up with her and pinned against the wall, the chandelier was off and only a dim light was on. I could barely see her face as she could to mine but I could tell she was blushing furiously.

"W-what are you doing you bastard!" She struggled against my grip which made me tighten it. "Tenten listen to me." I demanded. I took a sharp inhale and exhaled.

"I like you. I'm sorry for hiding it after all these years but I do. Remember the time you were practicing doing someone's hair do? I was there. I saw you. I fell in love with you at first sight and I know that you don't believe in such things but I do. I don't know how to tell you that's why I came up with the plan of growing my hair and acted gay just to be close to you. I've seen your struggles throughout your life and I saw how you dealed with it. I admired your courage. We may have tons of costumers everyday but not a single minute I wouldn't miss the chance of looking at you. Whether you'll be laughing, smiling or even frowning. I love every bit of you and when you come closer I feel stupid for not knowing what to do so you end up hitting me. Tenten, the only girl I see is you. You alone and no one else. In a room full of people, all I see is you." I confessed at her.

"And this-" I said wiping off the make up on my face "Is just a pretend. I didn't know how to tell you about my feelings. You might think of me as a low life stalker or whatever but I'm a guy. A straight guy who has straight feelings for this girl right in front of me." And with that I gently placed a kiss on her lips.

"I love you Tenten." And I kissed her again and this time she was kissing me back.

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